7mm On Heather's Workbench - The other Twin


Western Thunderer
I guess it was just at the time that steam was ending and most people were concentrating on that and saving those locos. Sadly 10000 and 10001 were overlooked.

If they'd lasted another 5 years, perhaps it would have been a different story.


Apparently 10000 was offered to Clapham, but rejected as "it didn't represent a class..."

No...it was a PROTOTYPE!

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I found these in a shoebox earlier. They might be interesting for comparison later. This is the PWP model referred to earlier.

10000 001.jpg

10000 002.jpg

Modelled to represent a very specific date, 18th December 1947. 10000 as she was presented to the press at St Pancras, without works plate, shed plate, windscreen wipers, but with an English Electric engineer or two, Mr Ivatt, driver and second man.

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I wasn't expecting to be here today. Plans had been made to visit Croscombe Magna and help out with some new works, but for various reasons our trip had to be called off. So, I decided to make the most of it by clearing out our garage and beginning some work on this model.

Rather than get too carried away, I limited myself to some interior decorating on the cabs. The colour scheme is more or less outlined in the Wild Swan pictorial supplement, but I am not convinced the control gear cabinets would have been treated the same as the main bulkheads.


Black detailing to go in. I may apply some wire to represent the air pipe for the horn, as well as detail up the bulkhead gauges on the No1 end.

Now, where can I source some 1/43rd scale Austin sun visors… :D

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
John, I'm not blaming anyone. Life has this habit of getting the way, and when earning a living crops up you have to go earn that living.

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Well, I've been poring over all the photos I have across umpteen publications, and I've drawn a blank.

What I'm after is some inkling as to what kind of notices and signs might have been visible on the loco's bulkheads. The only one I can definitely see is a "No Smoking" applied to the door into the engine compartment.

It's very unlikely that any photos survive showing labelling on the LMS twins, but I'd be happy to interpret something from signs on, for example, the Derby or EE 1Co-Co1s. Any help gratefully received, thanks!

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
I'll have a look through my references for 10201-3 and see if anything there makes sense for the twins...

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
For some reason, today's plans went out the window as well. What was intended to be a brief excursion to the local recycling centre ended up as an extended park on the M2 thanks to an RTC that occurred moments before we drove down the slip road…


There are moments when you can't resist putting things together to see how they look. With six main parts, held by four screws, it's surprising just how quickly you can nearly finish a model!


More detail painting on the cabs today. The two-tone paint job for the bulkheads is what the book says. For No2 end, technically the left hand resistor bank cabinet shouldn't be there for 10001, as the contents were shifted into the clean air compartment from experience with 10000. I'm not about to remove that chunk of resin, though. I spent some time studying photos and I can't tell whether there was something there or not. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have been treated to the two-tone livery, though. That would be, well, odd.


The model will be finished in pre-1954 condition. This is black and silver, with the large "ferret and dartboard" BR totem. It should have the full complement of lamps and brackets on each nose, for the Southern Region sojourn. I've applied a little weathering to the interior, more as highlighting some detail. I've drybushed some aluminium colour about where boots and coats would scuff the paint. Everything will get a coat of satin varnish once the base colours are properly dry.

There are some mods I need to do to the bodywork. The waist strip didn't meet the cab doors on 10001, so a bit of careful surgery will have to take place. I think some of the roof panels will need sorting out, too. While JLTRT make the locos in "early" and "late" versions, it wouldn't be possible to catch every nuance of every change over the machines' lives. No doubt there will be some compromise I will have to make somewhere, too.

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I've just been all over the sides, roof and cabs to work out what needs modifying. There may be a good deal of thin styrene deployed, I think.


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
There may be a good deal of thin styrene deployed, I think.
I shall be watching eagerly to see how you fix the styrene to the resin.... so far I have been able to rely only on epoxy glue as none of the usual solvents / CA-glues appear to have long term adhesion attributes.

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer

Have you tried either 'Sheet Zap' or Loctite 480? In either case a good clean (lighter fluid), keyed, surface will help.
I'd expect either of those two to work, but others I'd be a bit wary of.


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Graham, as Steph says, a degreased keyed surface is, um, key.

I always abrade or scratch mating surfaces to help the glue grip.

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
While at RailEx on Saturday, a brown cardboard box was passed over to me by Simon Thompson.


Simon has been beavering away at the CAD and 3D printing, and this was the, frankly, stunning result. My thanks to Mr T for his efforts, and I will ensure some beer tokens are passed on by way of thanks.