Must admit that the modelling mojo has taken a bit of a hit the last few weeks. Not sure why but probably a combination of being busy at work, still going through the after effects of a chest infection and a pretty depressing run up to Christmas.
One of the few joys of working in an office this time of year is the socialising and generally having a bit of fun. There were plans for an office get together this year but with hours to go that was cancelled (for the right reasons).
Also, working from home means that, come the Christmas break, you just turn off the laptop. No farewells and best wishes exchanged, nor a crafty pint on the way home. So underwhelming.
Even friends at home are having to isolate and, to be honest, I'm not sure I fancy being in a pub with strangers ignoring masks etc this close to Christmas. Wrapping presents normally puts me in the mood, as does planning the Christmas day menu. Done both and meh...
I was looking forward to the Stafford show at the start of Feb but, again for the right reasons, that has been cancelled. I was to be demonstrating making 7mm buildings and had the Pencarrow stuff all sorted. Would have been great to have met up with folk again.
Weirdly, despite sometimes being likened to a miserable hermit by my good lady, I think I'm actually missing social contact. Who saw that coming? In the current climate I'm not sure what the answer is though.
Anyway, enough with the self pity...