PRMRP Lima Class 33 conversion kit


Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Hi Cynric,

yes I am, David Andrews kits are a delight to build and the kits are complete, you don't have to source bits and pieces from all over the shop as you have to with some kits. Also you get a good selection of 'spares' on the etches as well. I accidently melted one of the buffer bodys with the soldering iron when I was applying the smoke deflector stays, an email to David and two days later, replacements arrived FOC.

Now looking forward to the Q1.



Graham Powell

34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Very nice Mike. How did you get on with the Plasti cote?. I painted a toy wooden lorry with it a couple of years ago and it made me feel ill. I've not got a large bus to do.
I have seven+ engines to paint. I think I'm going to wait until it warms up a bit and put some heat on in the paint shop.
rgdds graham :wave: :bowdown: :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Lovely, lovely, lovely.......  Looks a real picture.

My idea of a "super-model", except it's not blue or a diesel.... but otherwise PERFECT! :drool: :bowdown:

Very nicely done indeed. :thumbs:

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

It looks superb Mike, something to aspire to! :bowdown: :bowdown: :thumbs: :thumbs:

I look forward to seeing the Q1 take shape.


Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

many thanks for the kind comments, much appreciated.

Graham, as far as the Plasticote is concerned, it was the first time that I had used it and was quite impressed with the results. Made sure that I had my 3M mask on when using it as I still have not got round to installing the extract system - on the list to do this week so that it is all ready for the Q1 build after Christmas.



Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

D1054 said:
My idea of a "super-model", except it's not blue or a diesel.... but otherwise PERFECT! :drool: :bowdown:
I think we can forgive Mike that one small indiscretion... pics like that make me realise why Steam locos were regarded more as works of art than machines... because they just were... :bowdown: :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Jordan said:
I think we can forgive Mike that one small indiscretion... pics like that make me realise why Steam locos were regarded more as works of art than machines... because they just were... :bowdown: :thumbs:

thanks Jordan, in that case, I shall amend my Christmas 'wants' list to include a beret and smock and increase the 'available light' coming into the workshop 8) 8)
the next one is another 'kettle' but after that, we're back to dielsel power, but undecided as yet to what livery - rather like RES on the 08 or perhaps make it an 09 in Mainline Blue? still quite a time yet to make up my mind.

thans again CME



Graham Powell

34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Hi Mike, I leave making diesels to Fred who as a main line driver knows far more about them than I do. On the bench here at the moment is an GWR Armstrong 4-4-0.
Not sure what to make after that. I could do with another broad gauge engine.
I 've been doing some lining and bought new tins of Humbrol gloss. It will not dry. Anybody else had that problem?. Two days in a warm room and still tacky.
I'm also collecting up parts to build a 5 inch gauge battery powered diesel. Only thing I have so far is one electric motor which came from a kids scooter.
Want three more to make two power bogies. Body will be mdf. We've got a couple down the track in including a superb Class 52. Very powerful and the kids like them.
For me they are easy to drive :bowdown: :thumbs: :wave: :wave: as I haven't got to watch water level, boiler pressure etc.
Graham Powell


Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Hi Graham,

always liked the look of the Armstrongs ever since seeing the picture in Jim Russell's GWR Loco book and I see that MOK are bringing one out next year, which if their previous kits are anything to go by, then it will be a cracker. Painting one would be a challenge. There is a photo of a completed Scorpio version of the loco on the Guild's website which looks very tasty.

Tried building a Nu-Cast 4mm Bird 4-4-0 a long time ago and it was one of the reasons that I changed up to 7mm :thumbs:




Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

'tis done, coaled up and canvas roof on, I can now sit back and enjoy it.



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Simon Dunkley

34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Ressaldar said:
'tis done, coaled up and canvas roof on, I can now sit back and enjoy it.
Bohze moi*, Mike: that's good.
How did you do the canvas, it looks spot on?

*Go and find out what it means, like I did. (It's not rude, before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusion, but it was probably banned under Stalin.)


Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

cheers chaps, most grateful for the complements.

The canvas is made up of a piece of toothpaste tube - given to me by one of their retired chemists frompart of the development stock of a certain Company at Port Sunlight, scribed to make the folds and a piece of plain pillow case material superglued on and painted with Tamiya flat black acrylic.



Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Ressaldar said:
cheers chaps, most grateful for the complements.

The canvas is made up of a piece of toothpaste tube - given to me by one of their retired chemists frompart of the development stock of a certain Company at Port Sunlight, scribed to make the folds and a piece of plain pillow case material superglued on and painted with Tamiya flat black acrylic.


Is the toothpaste tube plastic or metal Mike? - It looks fantastic by  the way. I have some blackout curtain canvas off cuts (try saying that fast when you have had a drink or two) that I would give a go for this particular job but I'm not sure if it would retain the folds in the same way that your has.


Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Hi Rob,

thanks for the comments.

It's metal and the pillowcase cotton was fairly thin and was soaked with superglue onto the 'furrowed' foil letting each row stick down before moving onto the next one andfinally the assembly was superglued into place.




Flying Squad
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Hi Mike

You've done a fantastic job on this model; it looks great. Well done! :thumbs:

I hope that it will be run when it leaves your possession, and not just live in a cabinet.




Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Hi Richard,

glad it meets with your approval.

It will sit in a cabinet, but I might be able to rescue it from time to time to give it a run at Llanbedr as Aunties house is on the way there.




Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Mike very nice , i would expect that you are very pleased with the end results,  looking forward to starting these three, great !!!!!.


Western Thunderer
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

Hi Fred,

very much so and glad you like it, and now I'm looking forward to the MOK Q1




OC Blue Brigade
34014 Budleigh Salterton (re-built)

It looks loverly :drool:Good tip with the canvas might use that with the top of the gangways
