Dan Randall
Western Thunderer
Len - I haven't forgotten your question in post #96, but have had a lot less free time than I'd hoped for. I have made a start though, so please bear with me.
You shouldn't need to purchase anything - the basic free QCAD will do layers for etched artwork without any extra packages.when I got to layering I kept getting a prompt to purchase a package from an online shop. When the web page opens it brings up different packages so I was wondering which of these would I need to purchase to continue to use QCAD and successfully create my own etch artwork?
I have been working on some files from the NRM they all have been fine except this one it's not very clear and I was wondering if any-body knows of a programme that can clean it up like Wild Swan has done in there book? It's a lot less clear than this when you load it into Qcad.
LenView attachment 38337