Re: Easybuild 105


Western Thunderer
Easybuild 105

Thats looking very impressive Cynric :bowdown: I look forward to seeing it painted :thumbs:
PS i hope its going to be BLUE

Rob :wave:


Easybuild 105

lancer1027 said:
D'oh :eek: damn shame :)) Oh well i suppose it can be re-sprayed at a later date :thumbs:

Rob :wave:
The funny thing is that whilst building this I have been getting all sentimental for DMU's :eek: funny really as I hated them back in the day  :scratch:
Im not a fully paid up member of the blue squad but a BFYP 117 would take me back 35 years, especially if the windows were rattling, im sat behind the driver and my legs were being burnt by the heater  :))

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
Easybuild 105

28ten said:
The funny thing is that whilst building this I have been getting all sentimental for DMU's :eek: funny really as I hated them back in the day  :scratch:
Ditto... we called 'em 'Bugs' and didn't even bother taking the numbers. They have several sets at the Severn Valley, and at the Dean Forest Railways, and although they are green/whiskers, and I only remember all-over blue at the earliest, they do 'take you back' when you see them...
I liked them best in the blue/grey "coach" livery. The "PTE" white/blue stripe was smart, too - until it got dirty...


Western Thunderer
Easybuild 105

28ten said:
Seeing as it is not mine it will be Green with whiskers.  :D

Yes Green not blue 

i remember all the first gen dmus in the south wales area as a child , an ac railcars 4 wheeler on the  penarth to barry via the lavernock sully loop and the 3 sometimes 6 car 116\7 dmus on the valley lines then it all went blue yuck mind you i like the latter blue grey livery on the 3 car wonders still it will be the sprinters  that people will be lamenting soon


Easybuild 105

A good session today has seen the underframes completed (apart from a couple of bits that need straightening  :))  )

I would say that the underframe is more a representation than an accurate replica, but it looks the part and it has given me an insight into what I will need to look at doing something bigger  :scratch:
The final body detailing is next, followed by dcc wiring in preperation for the shakedown test at the end of the week. Oh and I almost forgot the interior.... I had better order some paint and transfers  as well


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Easybuild 105

A couple of closer shots of the underframe, as I said more a representation than an accurate replice but it does convey the look




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Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
Easybuild 105

28ten said:
A couple of closer shots of the underframe, as I said more a representation than an accurate replice but it does convey the look
Looks pretty good to me  :thumbs:.......are the heavier parts screwed on through the floor  from above ?


Easybuild 105

Phill Dyson said:
Looks pretty good to me  :thumbs:.......are the heavier parts screwed on through the floor  from above ?
Yes. and most of the others are pinned and glued, you would be suprised how much it weighs  :eek:


Easybuild 105

No it wont need extra weight  :)) It is a big scratchbuild to do the underframe properly as essentially you are building an engine, exhaust etc. Something to think about  :)) :))


OC Blue Brigade
Easybuild 105

Having assembled a few easybuilds I can vouch for the fact no extra weight is needed. I drilled holes in the top of the castings and drilled holes in the underside of the floor and glued the castings into place and then glued the rod to the floor of the coach not very pretty but it worked



Western Thunderer
Easybuild 105

especially if the windows were rattling, im sat behind the driver and my legs were being burnt by the heater  :))

I remember the windows & heater on the trips back from Crewe to Derby !!!  :wave:

Steve  :thumbs:


Modelling on a £1200 table.
Easybuild 105

Hi Cynric :wave: :wave:
Looks pretty good to me too :thumbs:
Id say its more than a "representation" as you put it  :bowdown:
Great work :thumbs:
Ross... :wave: :wave:


Easybuild 105

A shot of the speaker and the rather overpowered motorbogie  :))


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Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Easybuild 105

28ten said:

Yeurgh!  You could do better....!  But then again, I've nver been a fan of bass-reflex; I'm much more of an infinite baffle kinda guy.

For an experiment you could try a conventional 40x20 speaker and horn-load it.  It'd probably give a flatter response and would definately give you great efficiency (i.e. drop the noise floor).  Actually if you cut a hole in the floor of the carriage and could find some way to seal the coach body that'd work best of all - that'd be a huuuuuge sound chamber!  :))
