Re: GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.


OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Ere Steve if I get the loop complete on the layout bring your 40 down and we can compare



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

iploffy said:
Ere Steve if I get the loop complete on the layout bring your 40 down and we can compare


Hi ian,

i havnt got a 40 yet mate. That is one of my goals !!.

Steve  :thumbs:


Modelling on a £1200 table.
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Hi I'll be there both days myself, Rob and Phill got our B&B in Bridgnorth sorted' so we can have a few pints in the station pub followed by a curry.....  :thumbs: :thumbs: Ross... :wave:


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Scale7JB said:
I must admit, i'm hoping not to be as I missed a lot at Telford last year but best laid plans and all that, but I'm sure i'll use it as a base and help out during the busy periods if needs be..

No problems JB, looks like Pete's not taking the Perfect Miniatures stand to Telford this year, he reckons the cost for the weekend will be too much compared to anticipated sales, we'll have to have a chat mate when you get back from Canada. :thumbs:

I plan to be there though in what ever capacity, so hopefully I will catch up with some of the WT's.

ATB, Col.


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Scale7JB said:
Nothing like a deadline to get something finished mate... Oh hang on, that sounds familiar.... :))

Yes, I believe I may have said something similar last year  :)) :))


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Yep me too i will be there both days along with Phill and Ross, plus Steve should be there saturday :thumbs:

Rob :wave:

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I'll be there on the Saturday and am looking forward to seeing you guys then  :D


Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

An excellent selection of layouts this year.  :thumbs:  Counting down the days. :)




Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Should be both days for me also. I'm getting mk2 of the sprung Gresley bogie frames this week, and if they work as planned, they'll be on sale at Telford...  :thumbs:



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I have it in my diary and will have a small shopping list to work from.

I'm in desperate need of enthusiasm at the moment but I bet even Eileen's don't sell that  :scratch:

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Scale7JB said:
Should be both days for me also. I'm getting mk2 of the sprung Gresley bogie frames this week, and if they work as planned, they'll be on sale at Telford...  :thumbs:

Hi Jonathan, I won't make Telford this year but I would like a couple of sets of bogie frames once they are perfected. :thumbs: :thumbs:


OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

dennis-rs said:
That the loop in the garden or the kitchen  :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!! yet I am still working on the kitchen the layout will not be finished this year as the extension has some what overtaken everything else



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Gresley sprung bogie frames..



  • New_8ft6_Gresley_2.jpg
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Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

The August Gazette dropping through the letterbox this morning has got my already busy mind ticking over even more.
Spent some time in my shed yesterday doing a little more work (after a break of several months) to convert it into the (small) workshop that it was bought to become.... Hopefully I won't need that button from Eileen's if I can keep progress moving steadily, albeit very slowly ;)


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

ceejaydee said:
EDIT - I see that it is available in 'Military Spec' too.
Ah, that might me just the thing I need to get my Harrier kit started  ;D