GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.
Just back from holiday and received confirmation from Tower that they've now received the completed kits for the Warships from DJH and I'll be able to pick them both up from Telford ;D
Now the dilemma.... JLTRT Class 33/1 or the new Class 17 :-\ (I agree it's a shame it's not the Class 22 just yet, but we live in hope :
Looking forward to catching up with you all down there. Sorry I've been far too quite lately... will come in from the cold with a Warship build very soon!
I've decided on D824 and D825, both in (guess????) livery, which nicely covers both "common" logo bodyside positions.
Those of you who have already made these Warship kits - any problems or issues to look out for? And who's nameplates would you recommend?