Re: GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.


OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I enjoyed myself and met up with new and not quite so new and even hung over thunderers :scratch: :scratch: :scratch: :)) :)) :)) :)) 4 o clock indeed (there's an old saying when the cats away they can do what they like) and believe me it sounds like they did!!!!!!!!!!!!! eh YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE you naughty little boys I'm only jealous.

Well where do I start firstly plenty of BLUE engines but most of them being sold!!!!!!!!! in trade stands, the only ones I saw on a layout of any worth was the one based in south wales but they didn't move. I stood there for 2 mins and watched the movement of 1 of the operators jaws munching on a sandwich and saw loads of people come and move away as nothing interesting was happening. No-one expects on an end to end layout for the world speed record to be broken but when the only movement was the flickering of the overhead lights it got a little dull. I was quite impressed with the Scottish based green period layout in the main hall amazing 2 Claytons,Steve Beattie must have been chuffed that any one could have done such a good job of 1 of the type ones let alone 2 off them. The most interesting piece of stock I saw was the Generator van sheer brilliance a great looking model and when the operator pointed out to me that it does not move and why as it was a Lima Mk1 and not the right length there fore not able to be run with any of the other coaches on the layout but that didn't detract from the time and effort that it must have taken to make it. It is a fantastic concept layout loads of movement and to me it seemed to have a purpose and not be a little station in the middle of no where, 3 08's all moving slowly with no conflicting moves shunting stock great.

what did I get well I ordered 2 BG's from Easy build and bought almost all of the point work for the top end of the Garden Layout 5 curved points and a double slip for the MPD when the side walk through gets built+ 2 Waterman Buckeyes for the end of my rakes of coaches, Joined the guild and got to meet new people.



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Personally I find of late that if a layout does not have sound I will lose interest fairly quickly. I realise that this is not always that accurate but it certainly makes a difference for me.
And something else I find myself doing is noting the gaffs like out of period road vehicles etc..... thats just me :)) 



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I somehow missed the meet up at the test track but as I don't know what anyone looks like & none of you know what I look like I might have been stood next to one of you and not known  :scratch:

I remembered my list for once and I came away with all the bits on it including airbrush and compressor which I had 'released' funds for by selling a few bits recently.
Had a good chat with Ian Rathbone in the demo area and got him to sign my book (well his book but my copy of it) as a precursor to great things from my paint shop  ;D

Random conversation of the day was with a guy running on the live steam track, I mentioned that his loco was running superbly without drama unlike most of the G1 locos that I have seen.
He told me a few things about the loco and I said that even my old Mamod ran slower than some of the Asters I've watched in horror and disbelief at G1MRA meets.
We had a bit more of a chat about Mamods as he had tinkered with a few and I said that the only mod I ever made to mine was fitting a Shirely safety valve that I bought from a friend over 20 years ago - at this point his face lit up and he said "I'm Rafe Shirley and I designed and made those" - how bizarre!

I certainly agree about having a large and impressive tail-chaser as whilst the end-to-end layouts are good what we want to see is something that dreams are made of.
I think the biggest crowd assembled in the shortest space of time was when Tony Reynaulds started cutting metal on his lathe - goes to show that I'm not the only lathe freak out there....
Did anyone else see the beautiful little milling machine that he had too.... very tasty.

Real shock is that whilst I came away with books and tools I didn't actually buy anything in 7mm scale and the only models I did buy were a couple of G1 loco crew figures from A.C.Stadden

Still a good day out though  :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

The most interesting piece of stock I saw was the Generator van sheer brilliance a great looking model.


Totally agree with your comments, Ian, on the gene van. Took a few photo's of it for reference. :))
I'll put up here when downsized them  :scratch:

Nice to catch up with you again, even if you couldnt remember me from last year Telford !!!  :vista:

Steve  :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Hey Chris &  to All,  :wave:

Maybe next year, we could put pics of ourselves on here prior to the show, so we can recognise one another at the meet up ??  :bowdown: :bowdown:

What does everyone else think to that ??.  :scratch:

Steve  :thumbs:


Flying Squad
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

ceejaydee said:
Random conversation of the day was with a guy running on the live steam track, I mentioned that his loco was running superbly without drama unlike most of the G1 locos that I have seen.
[...] at this point his face lit up and he said "I'm Rafe Shirley and I designed and made those" - how bizarre!
Rafe does take pride in the running of his loco's. I've been fortunate over the years to go to a few running sessions with Rafe and the late Clarry Edwards. I suspect some of the attention to detail may be down to their love of ale. Sitting down with a pint to watch the trains go past and have a good natter is difficult to do if you're constantly chasing the loco's.


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

adrian said:
Rafe does take pride in the running of his loco's....... I suspect some of the attention to detail may be down to their love of ale. Sitting down with a pint to watch the trains go past and have a good natter is difficult to do if you're constantly chasing the loco's.
I've never seen so many older guys move so fast in one place as they seem to at a G1 live steam meet.
Yet most don't seem to have any interest in running slower; I was at a G1 garden meet last week and one guy crashed his Aster 5MT into a bridge retaining wall and scraped about the first inch of one side down to bare brass, another had his Barrett Engineering GWR 'whatever' derail seemingly every other lap - a great pity as this loco had a fantastic sound and most of these guys are genuine nice people too.

Rafe was certainly running his locos at he kind of pace that is very enjoyable and relaxing and to me what live steam should be about.
It was good to meet him.


OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

40126 said:
The most interesting piece of stock I saw was the Generator van sheer brilliance a great looking model.


Totally agree with your comments, Ian, on the gene van. Took a few photo's of it for reference. :))
I'll put up here when downsized them  :scratch:

Nice to catch up with you again, even if you couldnt remember me from last year Telford !!!  :vista:

Steve  :thumbs:

Steve sorry mate no offense intended but I have been to bed a lot I do remember the face from last year but I am absolutely CRAP with names and remembering where from, Any who what did Santa bring you from his grotty in Telford


OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Further more the history of the generator vans goes a little like as explained to me, they where an idea that sprang from the West Coast Electrification the AC Electrics had no ETS capability when built so they had to make a stop gap so the Generator van concept arrived however short lived it was. what a pity they couldn't have been used behind the Hydraulics then that cock and bull story about them not being suitable for Mk2 air con stock could have been dismissed. Why was it good enough for 1 region and not good enough for another!!!!!!!!!!!.


Mid-Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

iploffy said:
...I do remember the face from last year but I am absolutely CRAP with names and remembering where from...
Three things I can never remember...



:scratch: :headbang: :shit:

:)) :)) :)) :))

The best way to find the Thunder's Meet was to listen for the words "Green" and "Blue" being hurled in abuse...  :thumbs: ... not to mention "Green Diesels are nearly as bad as American Locos" which yes I fell for - but it did get me positively identified!!! ::)

Not very often I leave a Show with more money than I went in with - but then I have some saving up to do!!  ;)


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

thoroughly enjoyed both days, lots to see and tempatation was there all the while - especially JLTRT new 33 - a ******mas pressie to myself perhaps :thumbs:

I particularly liked the NE Cheshire 'test track' the one in the main hall, as it was akin to our own club layout, but further advanced, so I was able to see how our ideas for the future might look.

I understand that Heljan might also do a 14 - if the interest is there - seems logical as they have done one in OO.

Hope everybody got home OK and smuggled the boxes in without too much ear-bashing from SWMBO ;)




OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Ressaldar said:
thoroughly enjoyed both days, lots to see and tempatation was there all the while - especially JLTRT new 33 - a ******mas pressie to myself perhaps :thumbs:

I particularly liked the NE Cheshire 'test track' the one in the main hall, as it was akin to our own club layout, but further advanced, so I was able to see how our ideas for the future might look.

I understand that Heljan might also do a 14 - if the interest is there - seems logical as they have done one in OO.

Hope everybody got home OK and smuggled the boxes in without too much ear-bashing from SWMBO ;)



I told mine and you wouldn't believe what happened ask Marsa



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

iploffy said:
I told mine and you wouldn't believe what happened ask Marsa


but did you also sya as Marsa suggested, that you should withdraw all 'privilages' for a year if there was the slightest hint of any grief when you got home :eek:




Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

not to mention "Green Diesels are nearly as bad as American Locos" which yes I fell for

Sorry Jordan, couldn't resist  :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

I told mine and you wouldn't believe what happened ask Marsa

No no no no no don't ask  :eek: I still say you should have bought that DMU from Easybuild  :thumbs:

I'll just echo the sentiments of my fellow Thunderers. I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and as always enjoyed the meet-up with you all. I agree with the comments that it didn't seem as good as last years show and a lot of the layouts were disappointing. It's all well and good running a layout to a timetable but I don't think that that mode of operation lends itself well to an exhibition. The paying public and members want to be 'entertained', not left standing around while operators argue, do their own thing or stand there eating their lunch  :headbang: If they want their lunch then slope off somewhere private and eat it. I also got the impression that some layouts were over-manned. The obvious highlight though was meeting our new member, one Mr 'Beer-haze' on the Sunday. It was jolly nice for Ross and Phill to bring him to the show to meet everyone  ;D





OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Ressaldar said:
but did you also sya as Marsa suggested, that you should withdraw all 'privilages' for a year if there was the slightest hint of any grief when you got home :eek:



There was no greif I can tell you 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Morning all.

I enjoyed Telford this year but thought the layouts let it down a bit.

Ellerton Road (split fiddle yards) - nothing was all and I went passed 3 or 4 times.

Dalry Road (green diesels one) - Nice layout, well operated but I think the diamond crossover in the track diagram didn't add to a realism of a yard.

Teeside Steel - Nice layout, well operated, something always moving, plenty to see and very entertaining.

Aberbeeg (the unfinished one) - I was looking forward to seeing this layout but was saddened to find it was DCC, kept shorting out and the operator was operating from the front rather than the back which obscured the view of the junction which is the center piece of the whole layout.

1) I had a nice bargain, 21T Mineral wagons - 3 x £20 each.
2) I saw 2x OBA (timber wagons) one the Bring and Buy for £30 each, didn't buy them, walked off, rethough after I saw the price of the kit (£40) then went back and they had gone. Typical.
3) 2 x packets of Vac pipes from ABS (I think).
4) Two small packets of Carrs solder (hopefully I've got the right ones), I didn't want to shell out £38 for a large roll of the tin/lead/silver one.

I bought the Grey one (C1003 - 179 solder) and the Orange one (C1002 - 145 Solder), which I hope are the "samples" of the "C2003 - 179 Tin/lead/Silver Solder - 0.5kg" and "C2005B - 296 Tin/lead/Silver Solder - 0.5kg" respectively, from ... &Itemid=56



Flying Squad
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.


I had a fantastic time over the weekend. I spent a considerable time talking to acquaintances old and new which was great.

For the first time ever I think, I was able to get everything on the list, which was all consumables (paints, soldering iron bits, scenic bits for Heyside). Nothing expensive, but my, how it mounted up. The only impulse purchase was 3 L&Y coaches from the L&Y society for £200. I have a long term aim to do an Aspinall Highflyer atlantic in L&Y livery with a train in tan and brown - just for my own enjoyment, and not to backtrack Heyside to pre-grouping. These are the long-unavailable Chowbent kits, so I acquire them when I can.

Apart from Pempoul which has so much to admire, I didn't find any other layouts inspiring. Aberwhatever has potential, but nothing seemed to happen. Ellerton Road which I wanted to see (for the sett/station area as much as anything) disappointed as nothing happened there either - at all on Saturday I gather. East Dean I like, but I saw that at Aylesbury this year (which is not a criticism of it appearing at Telford). Frankly, I had more fun with Heyside when I got back. Maybe I just like watching the trains go by.



GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Dikitriki said:
Apart from Pempoul which has so much to admire, I didn't find any other layouts inspiring. Aberwhatever has potential, but nothing seemed to happen. Ellerton Road which I wanted to see (for the sett/station area as much as anything) disappointed as nothing happened there either - at all on Saturday I gather. East Dean I like, but I saw that at Aylesbury this year (which is not a criticism of it appearing at Telford). Frankly, I had more fun with Heyside when I got back. Maybe I just like watching the trains go by.

Yes, Ellerton road was unfortunatly static each time I walked past - not a good advert for S7.
I liked the operating style of Pempoul - from the side of the front, unlike Aberbeeg where the crucial part of the layout was obscured by at least one operator. If the operators are bikini clad 'stunnas', this is quite acceptable but when it is middle aged men it isnt  8)
At least you know what to do with Heyside .... keep the trains going round  :))