Re: GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Errrr not to throw a spanner in the works or owt but exactly WHICH test track are we meeting up at? The cunning devils in skirts have decide to have two of them at Telford this year!


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

the big one - L13, next to the Bring & Buy - G11 is normal. 




Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

As I'm going on Sunday maybe I'll attend the Test Track RV at 13.00 hours.... or as I haven't done that much railway modelling for a while (plenty of kit collecting though) perhaps I should remain anonymous for now :scratch:


Mid-Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

ceejaydee said: I haven't done that much railway modelling for a while (plenty of kit collecting though) perhaps I should remain anonymous for now :scratch:
Nonsense mate - quantity of modelling achieved is not a requirement of this Forum - do step forward and say hello - you'll recognise us - we'll be the youngest-looking bunch there, and most cheerful, too!!  :)) :thumbs:

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Jordan said:
Nonsense mate - quantity of modelling achieved is not a requirement of this Forum - do step forward and say hello - you'll recognise us - we'll be the youngest-looking bunch there, and most cheerful, too!!   :)) :thumbs:

& the best looking bunch too  ;D :))


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I'll be there on Sunday as well,so that automatically doubles the
average age-----I do'nt even qualify for good looking :'( :'( 


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I dont qualify either but im better looking than Steve so im counting that as a possible good looking ;D

Rob :wave:


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I don't even count as an armchair modeller anymore.... maybe a laptop modeller is a phrase more in line with current thinking...

Look forward to seeing you all at 13.00... handsome or otherwise  ;)

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

lancer1027 said:
I dont qualify either but im better looking than Steve so im counting that as a possible good looking ;D

Rob :wave:
Well I'm pretty gorgeous  ;D  :)) :)) :))


OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Well,Well, Well, time for my 10 peneth worth Phill get to a barbers and the lot of you get to the dentists there's only 1 thing got 2 teeth thats a stripped Heljan gear :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Purple-haze said:
I'll be there on Sunday as well,so that automatically doubles the
average age-----I do'nt even qualify for good looking :'( :'(

TUT TUT  :headbang: Im the Grant Michell, to your Phil (Rob)  :)) :))

I may wait till Phill & Ross have passed junction 28, & then go passed your house, waving !!!  :)) :)) :))

I now realise why there is NO mirrors in your house !!  :))

Steve  :thumbs:

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

40126 said:
I may wait till Phill & Ross have passed junction 28, & then go passed your house, waving !!!  :)) :)) :))

Steve  :thumbs:

Now that would be a terrible thing to do  :scratch:............................ ;D :)) :)) :))


OC Blue Brigade
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

it looks like it's going to be busy as I have worked a train with 3 people who where holding boxes for the bring and buy stand at Telford


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Guys I hope you have a great time at the show as I am unfortunately tied up this weekend.
