Re: GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.


Modelling on a £1200 table.
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Phill Dyson said:
Well I'm pretty gorgeous  ;D  :)) :)) :))

Say's who???????????????  :scratch: :scratch:
Just preparing for my early start (set alarm for 0500!)
See the rest of you there and I'll see you about 0630 Phill :thumbs:
Ross... :wave: :wave:

Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

rosspeacock said:
Just preparing for my early start (set alarm for 0500!)

05:00?  Luxury!  I reckon on getting up about 04:15 and setting off between 05:45 - 06:00.

That should get me there about 08:45 hopefully, leaving time for a relaxed stroll around to Greggs the bakers, for some hot sausage rolls!  ;)

See you tomorrow guys.  Must dash as I still have to print off my e-ticket and Dexter starts in about 5 minutes!  :thumbs:




Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Awwwww... The Greggs... !

Come have a look at the bogies at either the S7 stand..

Have a great show everybody..  :thumbs:



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Don't forget to NOT wear deodorant, and bring the biggest rucksack you have..  :))



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Have been at Chief Inspector Ploffys house all night working on a case! A case of cider  :))

May see some of you guys later but if not we'll definitely see you tomorrow for the meet-up  :wave:



Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Had a great day  :wave:

Good to meet up again with you guys.  :bowdown:

Best part -
                Buying a Heljan class 26 body, knocked down by £5 to £45, by Ross. Going back 5 mins later & getting 2 more, with an offer of £80 for 2, for the heljan guy to knock us down to £75 !!! :scratch: :scratch:  :)) :))

Steve  :thumbs:


Mid-Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Was thinking of the show all the way home from Hols today (yeah, I know - shocking planning again!) ... broke a shock absorber in a Cornish lane this week :headbang: but it'll have to wait till Monday to be fixed :)) see you all tomorrow... :thumbs:
I will probably match my all-time 'lowest-amount-spent-at-Telford' record this weekend (£0.00) even though I am doing a deal with Ross (hope you haven't spent out already Sir!)... this is going towards my new "Heljan 31 Saving Fund" ;)


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

great day yesterday and just about to start off for a second visit - looking forward to the 13.00 meet-up.



Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

Greetings from Telford  :D

Great day yesterday & looking forward to more today  ;D

Another buyer of a Heljan body (green 33), the biggest & best news has got to be Heljan proposeing a 7mm Western  :eek:  :drool: email your interest to Heljan if you want one boys & make it happen  :thumbs:

See you at the meet up  :thumbs:


GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I had an enjoyable outing at Telford chatting to various forum members and spent the princely sum of £35 on a book and two jars of Desert sand paint  8) the undoubted highlight was watching Rob (Lancer) suffer with a hangover  :))
There seemed to be fewer layouts than last year, but I had a good look at the ones there, Pempoul being the pick of the crop.


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

28ten said:
There seemed to be fewer layouts than last year, but I had a good look at the ones there, Pempoul being the pick of the crop.
Agree with you there Guv', Pempoul is good, this was my first Telford as a visitor as apposed to being behind a stand and its was nice to meet and put some faces to names, Steph and 3 link amongst them, hope to meet up with some of you other Guys on here someware at some point.
Next year I plan on having my own table at the Guilds shows and maybe some others, plus there is a layout I will be involved with(S7) that we are hoping will appear at Telford 2012 :thumbs:

ATB, Col

John D

Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

best news has got to be Heljan proposeing a 7mm Western

  Might have had more widespread appeal if they'd proposed a couple of varieties of 08 shunter , but heck what do I know  :-\

  Coat's here .....somewhere  :shit:


GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

eastsidepilot said:
Agree with you there Guv', Pempoul is good, this was my first Telford as a visitor as apposed to being behind a stand and its was nice to meet and put some faces to names, Steph and 3 link amongst them, hope to meet up with some of you other Guys on here someware at some point.
Next year I plan on having my own table at the Guilds shows and maybe some others, plus there is a layout I will be involved with(S7) that we are hoping will appear at Telford 2012 :thumbs:

ATB, Col
For me the show lacked a big tail chaser. Ill stick my neck out here and say that whilst there were some good layouts there they werent great exhibition layouts.
IMHO Im not sure that some operators have got  the idea that an exhibition is a show, and that rather like a sales pitch there is about 30-60 seconds to grab the attention before a punter moves on. I do think that what works at home or for a small group does not nescessarily translate to an exhibition. Or maybe it is just me  :)) :))


Western Thunderer
GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

I sometimes wonder that where more layouts today are being run prototypically, supposedley, which means that there are sometimes big gaps in between something happening and consequently lose the attention of punters and as you say a "good tail chaser" will all ways get a crowd, the test track always seems to have a goodley number..........just trying to think of the last 7mm tail chaser I stood at come to think of it :scratch:  :))
There is a design for a layout in the back of my head that I've had for years that would I think make a good show and it would involve a steep gradient with bankers all with DCC and sound, both steam and diesel. Now if only........ :scratch: ;D :))



GOG - Telford 2011 - 3/4th September.

eastsidepilot said:
I sometimes wonder that where more layouts today are being run prototypically, supposedley, which means that there are sometimes big gaps in between something happening and consequently lose the attention of punters and as you say a "good tail chaser" will all ways get a crowd, the test track always seems to have a goodley number..........just trying to think of the last 7mm tail chaser I stood at come to think of it :scratch:  :))
There is a design for a layout in the back of my head that I've had for years that would I think make a good show and it would involve a steep gradient with bankers all with DCC and sound, both steam and diesel. Now if only........ :scratch: ;D :))

That sounds a winner, plenty of movement and action especially with dcc :thumbs:

I should have add that I have nothing against sleepy branch lines, (im never going to build a large tail chaser - unless I win the lottery!) and it would satisfy me at home, but to me, they require a more intimate viewing environment, where the viewer can sit and relax.