7mm Richards P48 US Thread

Big Train James

Western Thunderer
On the 3rd Rail reservation page, the 2nd run of sd40-2's is listed at the very bottom. Scrolling to the bottom of the drop-down menu shows "UND" listed, which is the undecorated unit. Why they would choose the most unusual long hood version with the louvers to use as the generic undecorated unit is beyond me, but then there are a lot of things about these models that suggest a suspect decision making process.

3rd Rail in the past did not offer undecorated units, unless somebody committed to buying something like six of them. There are issues with offering undecs, especially when various phases with various details are offered all at once. Which version do they offer as undec? Do they just offer one version with all the various detail parts and you use the ones you need? Which length nose? Which dynamic brake blister or blank? The list goes on and on.

There are also issues with communication with the factory. They have enough problems just getting the decorated models right, and introducing an undec version is an opportunity for something else to get messed up. So the simple solution is no undecorated versions.


richard carr

Western Thunderer
I was thinking along the lines of an SP SD40 M2. These were all a bit of a mismash, but several were rebuilt from original SD40s, so it does look vaguely right and it doesn't need an SP nose for the lights. Anyway it is a long term project, it certainly isn't going to happen in the very near future.

There is far too much other stuff to deal with first.


Western Thunderer
I was thinking along the lines of an SP SD40 M2. These were all a bit of a mismash, but several were rebuilt from original SD40s, so it does look vaguely right and it doesn't need an SP nose for the lights. Anyway it is a long term project, it certainly isn't going to happen in the very near future.

There is far too much other stuff to deal with first.
Beware most M2's were SD45 car bodies and frames, it's only a small selection (30 or so) you can choose from.

Some that look like 40's are in fact 45's with new radiator sections that replace the 45 angled one with the flat intakes from a 40; SP 8575 being one example. The only real obvious feature are the porches front and rear, that'll tell you if it's a 40 donor unit.


Western Thunderer
With P:48 & tighter coupler boxes than Kadee, that is a real achievement. :thumbs: :bowdown:

Some big advantages in terms of prototype - bogies and wheels clear of frames, centre couplings and bogie stock really help. I wonder how cars of markedly different lengths, especially longer ones with bigger displacement on curves would fare in longer trains?

Regardless, that’s impressive. In EM a metre is a bit tight for larger diesels (they get round, but Peaks look a bit daft doing so…).


richard carr

Western Thunderer
The key to it is get a nice smooth curve especially through the joints. The first time I laid it there was a tight spot and the hopper car fell off as it was too tight onthe coupling. You could see the problem, it was bit straighter and then turned too sharply. Once that was sorted it runs just fine.
The best bit is that SD40s go round there too !



60 foot cars go round too, even if they over hang a bit.


The second curve is in now too and this coming week I hope to get it all wired up




Western Thunderer
Tight curves tend to be less of a visual problem the closer they are to your eye line, it's when you get to 'helicopter' mode that you can see the tightness and overhangs more easier.

richard carr

Western Thunderer
Progress on the triangle continues, I have been building a new control panel for this area.
I have worked out why the LEDs were burning out on the other panel. I was switching them using the plus/minus sides of the power supplies, but this gives 24 volts across the LEDs, so no wonder they burn out. Actually it's surprising that some keep working.
I should have them connected to the common and switch the plus/minus to change the LED that lights up. This gives 12 volts across the LED.

I would post phots but there isn;t much to show, you can;t really see the point motors nor most of the wiring, it looks just like it did before.

Hopefully tomorrow or wednesday the first train will be traversing the triangle.


Western Thunderer
above about 1.5V, LEDs don’t care about voltage. They do care passionately about current.

A 1k - 1.5k series resistor does nicely at 12V, I’d double that at 24V, if it’s more convenient to wire them that way

How are you feeding the traction supply to the triangle?

richard carr

Western Thunderer
I'm away in Asia this week, working the night shift, but before I went I managed to lay part of a new spur.


This time I have decided to make it a run down piece of old track, so it is hand laid in code 100 rail and is mainly spiked directly on to the ties without any tie plates.

I did need to make a few new gauges as all the code 125 ones don't work on code 100.



I'm going to lay a few more spurs in code 100 I have a few switch parts for code 100 so there are going to be some code 100 switches too.

Flying home this evening, it's 11:30 in the morning here in Singapore, so hopefully I can get a bit more done this weekend.



Mid-Western Thunderer
Jay at Right-O-Way can supply cosmetic joint bars to link Code 125 & Code 100 rail.
They're cast nickel-silver & made by American Switch & Signal....