Rob P's Silhouette Cameo Cutter Workbench


Western Thunderer

Some of those NBR Jubilee vans lasted well into the 1960s, but in Singer's yard, probably for internal use only or storage. You could see them quite clearly from the Yoker loop of the Glasgow north side electrics. From memory, the vans were then lettered "SINGER" and I think I remember them being dark green in colour.


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Thanks Jim,
Presumably in Singers yard they would perhaps have been painted company colours to keep the place tidy.

Mine will be in LNER Grey, according to Peter Tatlow 50 or so vans were "thirled" to Singer an arrangement that lasted until 1928. I guess that once the arrangement ended, the vans were not repainted in any great rush. Another photo of a matchboard version taken post war still quite clearly shows Singer lettering on it

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
My obsession with interest in all things ex NBR continues.

Last year I bought a selection of NBR underframe sprues from Parkside for scratch building wagons (this was before the Silhouette Cutter was even on the horizon. At the same time I also got a couple of ends from the 8 ton Jubilee van kit with a view to making one of the later Diagram 40B vans. Unfortunately when I compared the drawings the later vans whilst having the same style of ends were not only taller but wider too.

So the ends went in the spares box and were forgotten about. That is, until last weekend when I happened to be reading the chapter in Vol 3 of LNER wagons and realised that the first few vans that the NBR built to D39B were not only low roofed but the same width as the earlier Jubilee vans - Bingo!

The next problem was that although I have a few drawings they are all of the taller vans. Tatlow to the rescue. Although there isn't a drawing, there is a pretty good square on side view photo, so I scanned and imported it into Inkscape. I resized it using the wheel base as the known dimension and essentially drew over the top of the photo.

I have in mind to do some outside framed vans starting with and NER G1 van and decided that the external framed door on this one would act as a proving ground for doing them in layers. Initially I drew the doors as 6 layers of 20thou - 2 backing, 1 plank detail and 3 for the framing. Once I had snapped them out and compared them to my existing Parkside 8 ton Jubilee vans I came to the conclusion that 6 layers was too thick. I left out one of the backing layers and one of the framing layers and then proceeded to assemble the doors.

On the other van ‘kits’ that I have done I have done sides and ends in 3 layers and have sized the inner 2 side layers shorter to allow the ends to fit inside the outer layer of the sides. I had to do it a little differently on this one because the Parkside ends are chamfered to a 45 degree angle. To get around it I made the 1st inner layer 0.5mm shorter than the outer side and the next one another 0.5mm shorter than that. It was a great idea but fell down in practice because it was difficult to spread Butanone on the layer and then accurately place the next layer central with a 0.5mm gap at either end so the next ones that I do will have a removable registration tab on them.

I managed to get them together in the end and then using a broad diamond file (from the ladies manicure counter) I filed them to an angle that fitted against the ends. I took care to mark each side and end where they fitted together to make sure that they went back as I had filed them to fit.

In the end I was really pleased with how nicely they fit against the ends bearing in mind that I had drawn the parts from a scaled photo.

I had drawn the curved ended bottom runner and the plates that look a bit like birds feet in 20 thou to give them a bit more strength (I also cut some from 10 thou just in case). That left the runners themselves which are very much like pulleys. I hit upon the idea of putting a length of 2mm styrene rod in a pin vice and then using the blunt point of a round file to score/pick at it to make a groove around it that would sit on the runner. I then used a scalpel to cut of the runner by rotating the pin vice and I was quite impressed at how cleanly the “pulley” was cut off. Since then I have thought of a refinement – grind a curved cutting edge on a piece of 0.8mm piano wire instead of the rather crude file point.

Next I assembled runners and the door stops etc. on one side and glued it to the ends/floor. At this point I thought I was onto a winner when the spares box also revealed a pair of spare Parkside sole bars but sadly they were too long and although I could have cut them down the wheel base was wrong too.

Enough of the talk on to the pictures.






Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Really nice to read how your modelling has developed along the way, the introduction of registration tabs to align layers being a case on point.

regards, Graham

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
One of the things that I have tried to do is to make as much use out of each drawing as I can. The NBR and the NER (I haven't looked too closely at the other constituents of the LNER too closely yet). really help with this because of the many variations on a theme.

Using the example of the 8 ton Jubilee vans that I have just done I managed to use the artwork twice with minor amendments to make the matchboard version. looking a little further in vol 3 of Tatlow brought me to a 3rd and 4th variation this time in the guise of yeast vans same sized bodies, with both beaded and matchboard variations the only difference being is the added complication of louvres.

Since doing the louvres for the NER CCT I have studied and discarded a few methods of making louvres using combinations of styrene strip cut at angles etc. The flush sides of the louvres on the NBR vans gave me the opportunity to try another method which has far exceeded my expectations even if it is a bit time consuming to do.

This is where I have got to with the first van - or rather side of a van. Each side/end is made up of 3 layers and on the two inner layers I have moved the position of the louvre cut outs up by one pixel (I also marked each layer so that I knew which order to assemble them). To cut the slots I used an Exacto type chisel blade which was just marginally too wide for the length of the slot so I rubbed it on a diamond stone to reduce it a little.

To cut out the narrow end I used a suggestion from Graham (Beare @Dog Star ) which was at the time for something else but applicable in this instance too. That suggestion was to use a piece of piano wire (0.8mm in this case) and file a chisel blade on one end I then gripped this in a pin vice and away I went - admittedly the patience only let me cut the slots in the 3 layers for one side at one session.



Please excuse the odd second photo I took it this way to illustrate that when viewed from a low angle you can see through the louvres but from the more normal side on view you can - JLRT.......:drool:

It still needs some beading finishing off and the other side and the ends need their louvres cutting out
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Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Much of last weeks modelling time was spent modelling electronically - drawing out various ideas for future projects.

Expanding on last weeks ex NBR van I drew a one side of an outside framed NER G1 van.


LNER pigeon van (D120) - as a prelude to other LNER coaching subjects.


I have the sides drawn and cut but they need finishing before assembly at some point.

Clasp brakes IMG_9869_zpsguvv2cnu.jpg


These are 3'1" but I have some for 3'7" wheels ready to snap out of a sheet too. I didn't do a particularly good job of laying them out on the sheet - being a tight Yorkshire man I tried to maximise how many fit in space to reduce waste but it made it difficult to remove them without damage.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
In between assembling the vacuum shed I also managed to get the other side and ends of the G1 van assembled. I was most perturbed to see how short the ends are in relation to the sides and for a moment I was convinced that I hadn't transferred the sizes properly when importing into Silhouette Studio to cut them. A look at the photos in Volume 2 of LNER wagons thankfully confirmed that I had cut them correct and in reality the discrepancy is caused by the corner posts being let into the buffer planks. A nice little oddity.



Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
More playing last week with some scrap offcuts of styrene sheet has moved me closer to not needing to buy parts from Parkside or Slaters.



These are produced from 3 layers the two outer ones in 0.25mm (10thou) and an inner layer of 0.5mm (20thou). Once stuck together (using limonene) they are just as sturdy as the ones that I have from Parkside.

As you can see from the photos I tried a few different variations to see what was possible.

The springs are made up from 8 layers of 0.25mm and were in true Blue Peter style some I cut earlier and discarded as not being any good - I had cut some round ends for the hanger that were just too fragile and I have been breaking the round ends off and using them as washers under bolt heads when detailing.

To say that I am pleased with them is a bit of an understatement!

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Certainly making some good progress there Rob. You'll soon have the whole underframe sorted.
It's funny you should say that Phil,

I have drawn up another NBR wagon with the a significant part of the underframe to make up and interlock, I just need to get it cut - it takes up the best part of a 300 x 600 sheet so it will take some time.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
As I said earlier last weekend was made up of lots of small steps.

I also managed to get the support brackets added to the solebars of the NER CCT (I got it on it's wheels a few weeks ago but forgot to take any photos). I have also done a bit more at the NBR bogie CCT but not enough to warrant taking any photos of yet.



Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The NBR D39B van has also progressed to just needing a roof and couplings.




The brake levers proved to be a little challenging, none of my many Parkside or Slaters spares were long enough. The answer was to laminate a piece of 0.25mm either side of a piece of 0.5mm and leave it over night to dry thoroughly. - in the same manner that I did the W Irons earlier.

I then cut a couple of tapered strips and applied limonene to both sides where I wanted the bends to be (one bend at a time) once the limonene had softened the strips I made the bend with some round nosed pliers. I then used some self locking tweezers as clamps to hold the bends in position while the plastic hardened again.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
I spent most of Saturday on a very enjoyable whistle stop tour of the Yorkshire Dales so modelling time was much reduced.

What did get done was further detailing on the NER G1 and G2 vans.



They are still very difficult to photograph whilst still white.

Also after a marthon 10 hour cutting session I made a start on assembling the layers for a NBR D42B van which is visually very similar to the D39B van but it's wider and higher. I will be making the ends for this one myself so it will be interesting to compare them to the Parkside ends on the D39B when I get that far.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Meanwhile in between glue drying on the second full brake I made further progress on a couple of the wagons.

The NBR Diagram 39B now sports a roof it just needs, rain strips, wheels blackened, couplings and the painting finishing.


The NER G2 has had more detailing added to the sides, a start on detailing the solebars (they aren't fixed yet it's just resting on them for the photo and it's roof cut and curved - I still need to work on the canvas roof door covering.
Still a fair way to go but it's nearer than it was.


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Hooray, another one bites the dust, well apart from weathering that is.

The original plan with this was to finish it in NBR livery because the photo that I scaled for the sides is of a van still in NBR livery in 1930 but I had completely forgotten that I had stuck some of my home brewed LNER plates to the solebars so LNER Livery it is - same running number though.




Ian G

Western Thunderer
Which Cameo cutter have you got as my other half has mentioned she would like one?

Ian G