Thank you all, I must say I am absolutely blown away.
Thank you Paul, I'm hugely flattered. I've been fortunate enough to see Old Parrock at a few shows (and have read the WT thread countless times) and it is a major source of inspiration for me. Indeed, my previous cameo (Pattyndenne, for more see that other forum) was a sort of Old Parrock rip-off, set slightly further east in the High Weald (around Goudhurst).

Yes the baseboards are fully handbuilt. I actually bought a Tim Horn baseboard originally but then became impatient and started making my own... inevitably it then turned up a few days later!
It's all 5mm ply (except for the trackbed which is 9mm salvaged from some packing crates). It started off as bendy as a noodle, but with the trackbed, webbing underneath, and the fascia added its actually amazingly stiff but also very light - I think it's actually lighter than a Tim Horn board, and dare I say it stronger.
A bit more progress last night. I started weathering up P class 178. This loco, with the 3D printed ballast wagons shown above, was the exact combination I had in mind when I set out with Rye Sands*. It took longer than expected to arrive but was well worth it. The brass showing through on the dome is based a photo of the real thing.

* I think part of the success of Rye Sands was that I had a very clear image of what I wanted when I began the layout. Everything from the backscene to the buildings and stock was planned before I started actually making anything. This is definitely not an approach I've been able to replicate with other abortive projects started before or since!
That's a truly beautiful cameo layout - thank you so much for sharing it on Western Thunder. I think the Uckfield Show must go in the diary and I'll look forward to seeing Rye Sands. Uckfield is one of the friendliest model railway shows on the planet.
Thank you Paul, I'm hugely flattered. I've been fortunate enough to see Old Parrock at a few shows (and have read the WT thread countless times) and it is a major source of inspiration for me. Indeed, my previous cameo (Pattyndenne, for more see that other forum) was a sort of Old Parrock rip-off, set slightly further east in the High Weald (around Goudhurst).

I'm glad you like the backscene, it was something I had envisioned right from the start, but which I really struggled to execute. I originally used a stencil which produced huge amounts of overspray, and after endless respraying (interspersed with lots of bits of dirt getting stuck in the wet paint - should have learned not to spray paint outside during a storm!) I ended up just hand painting it. As a result, its a bit blotchier than i'd like, but I can't really rectify that given the buildings are glued in front of it! As above, the silhouette style backdrop is something I copied from Pattyndenne and Old Parrock in turn.I do like the monotone sillohete backscene, Something I did with my 10 year old juniors when I was a teacher.
Presumably the baseboards are handbuilt, as opposed to kit form? What type of ply is it and where did you obtain it from?
Yes the baseboards are fully handbuilt. I actually bought a Tim Horn baseboard originally but then became impatient and started making my own... inevitably it then turned up a few days later!
It's all 5mm ply (except for the trackbed which is 9mm salvaged from some packing crates). It started off as bendy as a noodle, but with the trackbed, webbing underneath, and the fascia added its actually amazingly stiff but also very light - I think it's actually lighter than a Tim Horn board, and dare I say it stronger.
A bit more progress last night. I started weathering up P class 178. This loco, with the 3D printed ballast wagons shown above, was the exact combination I had in mind when I set out with Rye Sands*. It took longer than expected to arrive but was well worth it. The brass showing through on the dome is based a photo of the real thing.

* I think part of the success of Rye Sands was that I had a very clear image of what I wanted when I began the layout. Everything from the backscene to the buildings and stock was planned before I started actually making anything. This is definitely not an approach I've been able to replicate with other abortive projects started before or since!