Skytrex Vans

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
Hi Ross :)

Have you tried Games Workshop 'Chaos Black' as an alternative to satin black for underfames & such like ?.........covers very nicely & has very rapid drying times compared to car paints ;)

Cheers Phill :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
I would agree with Phill, "Chaos Black" is good. I have a can although i was supprised when i saw the price.:eek: Still its better value than Railmatch as it is a larger can.



OC Blue Brigade
I have heard a lot of good stuff about the games workshop range of paints almost all of it good, I will have to check it out

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
If you have an airbrush the stuff in pots is easy to let down and spray too - they have weird names but a lot of the range are very good for us if you can match the colour.


OC Blue Brigade
CME that's probably because there is an ingredient in the tinlets that the namby pamby HSE says is very bad for us to eat so we can't have it to paint with. Any one fancy an Airfix Duck Egg BLUE sandwich!!!!!!!!:))

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I use both the brush applied Games Workshop paints and their rattle can Chaos Black and all work very well indeed.
The black and white spray cans work very nicely as primers... and the black as a finish coat... where acrylic adheres to the base material. Brass? No-no as to be expected. Pigment in these cans is much finer than, for example, Halfiords primers so gives a very smooth and even coat for other topcoats.

regards, Graham


OC Blue Brigade
Now I have just had the best idea ever!!!!!!!! CME, I for one want to see you do another Box van, we have all seen the standard you produce and I want a blow by blow by blow account of what you are doing and when you are doing it. I am not going to take a No for an answer otherwise the Chocolate biscuit barrel will be closed next time you come to the back of the class in bodgers corner. In the words of Ali G "you is a master and I wants to see you at work" come on mate make our day


Modelling on a £1200 table.
I have heard a lot of good stuff about the games workshop range of paints almost all of it good, I will have to check it out

I had a bad experience with their satin varnish, it went really cloudy and had to strip the loco..


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I had a bad experience with their satin varnish, it went really cloudy...
Another :rant: for GW satin varnish...
The GW satin varnish is susceptible to temperature and moisture... I leave the can on the radiator and the model in the air-cupboard for maybe an hour before spraying in a warm area.

Shame about the way in which the current product does need care in use. I have a stock of the matt "Purity Seal" and that does not show any of those symptoms... then again, the Purity Seal was made by the supplier before the last before the last etc., poorer quality control as GW changed suppliers.

regards, Barking in the Yard

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I have a stock of the matt "Purity Seal" and that does not show any of those symptoms... then again, the Purity Seal was made by the supplier before the last before the last etc., poorer quality control as GW changed suppliers.

Eep. Rather glad I didn't opt for that can in Hobbycraft earlier, then. :eek:


Western Thunderer
I have to get the Pillbox (now urgentish) and 03 and 33 done in a reasonable time-frame too - and hopefully some better weather will see Down Ampney progress too, oh and I have become a little side tracked with Brake Tenders too - so in other words, of course I can have a bash at something, just dont hold yer breath(s)!:))


Hi CME ;)

Looking forward to the thread/s of these builds :thumbs:

Steve :cool: