Some more rather fraught progress to show, the next stage to address were the straps over the tanks and their mountings. Supplied are four thin and delicate etched straps, a piece of 40 thou brass wire and eight rather nice lost wax brass castings, one for each end of a strap. Running true to form the instructions give no mention at all about fitting this lot together, or indeed what it should all look like. Having removed the straps from the etch and cleaned them up it was time to try and work out a way of attaching the wire to the castings. The best i could come up with is drilling into the casting as far as i dare then use superglue to hold them together. Having used a 1mm drill which is as close as it gets to 40 thou these were then sprayed with etch primer and placed to one side.
The strap has a hole at each end so i put a small kink in a piece of wire which was then threaded through the hole and soldered on behind the strap. The castings were then glued onto the sole bar. Once fully dried this assembly was offered up to the wagon and the wires were gradually trimmed until the strap appeared to be tight round the tank and the wires located into the holes into the castings. I really should have taken a few pictures but it was all getting a bit fraught and i plain forgot. After this the straps were etch primed then top coated.
Here is where it's all at.
Having fixed the straps with super glue more black paint has been applied. The tie rods are relatively simple, there is a central casting drilled and glued to the sole bar which brass rod cut to length and pre-painted is fitted to, being threaded through pre-drilled holes in the end bolsters. Now it might look ok-ish in the picture but i'm really not convinced by the super glue bit and need to think up possible alternatives.
For those who looked at this build from the beginning you may remember i was building these listening to the uplifting sounds of the Disco Goddess Donna Summer, well i'm fast reaching the Heavy Metal played backwards stage, perhaps Slater's have hidden the instructions amongst the subliminal messages

cheers to all, Rob