NHY 581

Western Thunderer
20190426_134627-02-01-01.jpeg 20190502_211659-01-01.jpeg 20190510_064738-01-01-01-01-01-01.jpeg 20190506_143202-01-01-02.jpeg 20190506_143117.jpg

Morning all

It's been a while since I posted here. The updates have all gone onto Bleat Wharf ' s thread.

Here are a few photos to keep things bubbling along.

Over the next couple of weeks I shall be doing a few jobs on Mutton ahead of it's next outing in early June. I shall pop updates on here accordingly.

A bit of Bleat then........

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NHY 581

Western Thunderer
20190518_154704-01.jpeg 20190519_184421-02.jpeg The latest addition to the Sheep Chronicles stock roster is that of a 9 plank mineral wagon.

Portrayed by Hornby ( and others!) as an ex-L&NER loco coal wagon enquires made elsewhere indicate it's basis is that of a RCH private owner jobbie..

I'm happy to accept it as is for now and present the above views.......before and after..

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NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Thank you Jonte.

I have a few more wagons to do ahead of Mutton's next public outing two weeks today.

However, the priority is resolving the running issues with the fourth Radial. I hope to tackle this today.

I have also collected the parts for the 700 and will also be tackling that.....by only if I can sort out the Radial.


Brian T

Western Thunderer
Ok, stupid qestion time!.

Why does the 'loco' coal wagon have holes in the door`s?...... :confused:



Active Member
Brian, I believe that the holes were there for when the wagon was empty and the latches were undone, you could put your hand in and pull open the door if it was stuck. It saves having handles etc. (unless I am totally wrong, which will be pointed out by someone!) Cheers, Earl