well done a bit more but this time i have done them in a slightly different way

the picture is a bit blurred I am afraid but the toiel filler holes have been opened out and plated from the back and the ETH cut out has been opened up.

My little bodge to make the inner end of the coach in primer

Looking down the towards the end of the coach with the insert just resting in place.
The next thing to do is to cut up the coach as I have 2 ends ready to glue on to the brass frame then I will have it up to the stage of the others. I have 2 in primer with almost all of the blemishes removed, by using stopper, 1 in blue plastic with filler on it waiting to be rubbed down and 2 half brakes waiting to be rough sanded prior to being treated with a witness coat to get the external finish smooth and prepared. One day I will be able to move onto the underframes