Had a bit of a cock up at the work shop and needed a pick of MTH's brain (not a lot left as it is)

I didn't think that the brass would be sen at the end of the coaches but it will and I had cut it too short, a real Durr moment so I spoke to the MTH fellow and he said do this

a bit fuzzy but

Add the brass section to a seperate buffer beam this is the rough before state

Added to the coach you can see that the brass insert is the correct depth under the coach and when I add the step board on it will cover up a multitude of sins

Nearly there then just this bit to add

the inner end to the coach this one will be painted orange and will contain a fire extinguisher and the rotary tumbler switch, the gang way is already opened out (the picture was taken before I did this) and the folded end doors will be represented by being drawn on using a lining pen, I hope.
I am going to start the big tidy up very soon sorting out the roughness and getting the curves in the right places and the fine tuning once I am satisfied then I will add all of the detail.