NHY 581

Western Thunderer
In other news, the Heljan class 15 and one of the Bachmann 03s have had decoders fitted. The models were poles apart in terms of the ease that this was accomplished. The class 15 was a bit of a challenge, mainly to get the body off.
The 03 was simply two screws, job done.

Both have now had kadees added. Again, the class 15 needed a bespoke coupling creating as the pocket height was too high. A Kadee no 17 was dismantled and a new pin made from brass rod to mount the knuckle lower. This seems to be holding but a Mk 2 will probably emerge.

The 03 simply plugged in two No. 18s.

I now have two 08s ( Hornby ), an 03 ( Bachmann ) a class 15 (Heljan ) and a class 24 ( Bachmann, factory sound ). All decoder fitted and kadee equipped.

I'll do a further 03 and that will do. More than enough for a layout that's 4ft x 16 inches and operates on a one engine in steam.........so to speak....



Western Thunderer
View attachment 91176 View attachment 91177 View attachment 91178 View attachment 91179 View attachment 91180 Evening all.

By way of an introduction, I shall post a few photos and an overview of one of my layouts.

Mutton is the only intermediate station on the Lamb Regis branch in Devon.

The branch was home to three Adams radial until they were displaced by the arrival of Ivatt 2.6.2t.

The overall size of the layout is 10ft with a scenic section of 4ft ( 120cm x 40cm). The base boards are all from IKEA and in the case of the scenic board, this is top from a TV table with the fiddle yards being two shelves.

Track is PECO code 75. Electrics are minimal with points actuated by 'pokey finger'

Buildings are detailed Bachmann Scenecraft with other detail such as lamps, loading gauge being scratch built..

Buffer stops are altered PECO with platforms using edging from the same source.

All stock is RTR. from either Bachmann or Hornby.

Still a few jobs to attend to but Mutton is just about there really.
A fantastic layout and the best weathering I have seen on a layout. If the back scene is easily removeable have you thought about photographing the layout outside with natural lighting and clouds in the backdrop. Photographed in black and white would make it I think even more realistic.


Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Both have now had kadees added. Again, the class 15 needed a bespoke coupling creating as the pocket height was too high. A Kadee no 17 was dismantled and a new pin made from brass rod to mount the knuckle lower. This seems to be holding but a Mk 2 will probably emerge.

The 03 simply plugged in two No. 18s.

This is something I noticed when servicing my dad's OO stock and fitting Kadees. Although the models had NEM coupler pockets they were not all necessarily set at the NEM standard height with Bachmann UK being the biggest culprit.

Unlike the models (including Bachmann Liliput) produced for mainland Europe where the NEM pockets are all at the standard height.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Expanding on the available locos, taking each one in turn,

All have had their addreeses added using their own numbers , D2009, D3509, D3986, D5036 and D8233. That simplifies things.

Of these, 2009, 5036 and 8233 were East Anglian based locos in the the period modelled ( {1965 }

3509 {Cornish, complete with W.R yellow route disc }and 3986 {Swansea} might need a bit more explaining. I dont really want to re-number them so will leave well alone for now.

The Hornby 08s are just splendid. If I had to pick, 3509 is marginally better than 3986. The slow speed running is just spot on and they are a delight to play with. Any better than on DC ? Hard to call really. I would say yes but both were really very good to start with, better than the Bachmann equivalent. Both are fitted with DCC Concepts Zen decoder.

Bachmann 03.

Pretty good again. The gears are a tad noisy but that's nothing to do with DCC. Doddle to fit and very controllable but again good to start with on DC. Fitted with Bachmann 6 pin.

Heljan Class 15.

Very smooth but though slows down very nicely, it's a bit abrupt to stop/start. I've spent the evening tinkering with a few of the CV settings but no change. I'm thinking of trying a different decoder. The current Zen jobbie works really well in the 08s and benefits from a wired in plug to attach a stay alive but perhaps not the best for the 15.

Bachmann 24.

Factory sound job. Lush. Very controllable.

Still getting used to the DCC things but yes, quite encouraging.

Returning to the class 15, I tried it, still chipped, on Bleat Wharf which is wired for DC of course.


It runs just as well on DC as on DCC but the start/stop is infinitely better on DC. It will accelerate from a barely perceptible crawl and decelerate accordingly. It will not do this on DCC............It looks then that the issue is not loco based but chip based.

More to follow on this methinks.....


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning Tom,

Thank you for those kind words.

I do occasionally drag the layouts outside to both work on and photograph. Their size makes this relatively straightforward.

It's always nice to see the layouts in natural light.

These images of Hornby W4 Pecketts at Sheep Dip show the effect of evening sun on the layout.



Screenshot_20210712-214655_Samsung Internet-02.jpeg

As for the weathering, it sort of evolves. These are of a Hornby B2, again at Sheep Dip.



As for monochrome images, a bit of editing and here we go.......


Mutton came out well but is currently in the loft. It may well be off to an exhibition next year (June). I await confirmation.

If this proves to be the case then I will need to check it and the stock so more photos will no doubt follow.

Priority though has to be given to Ewe. As stated, the first exhibition for it is some four months away so I need to get a wiggle on if I am to get anywhere near finishing it..and that includes the locos.

However, I would like the opportunity to take Sheep Dip out as it's the only layout of the current four not already exhibited or booked to be exhibited next year.......

Screenshot_20210712-214743_Samsung Internet-01.jpeg


Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Heljan Class 15.

Very smooth but though slows down very nicely, it's a bit abrupt to stop/start. I've spent the evening tinkering with a few of the CV settings but no change. I'm thinking of trying a different decoder. The current Zen jobbie works really well in the 08s and benefits from a wired in plug to attach a stay alive but perhaps not the best for the 15.

I've never used DCC Concepts Zen decoders (just read their manual) and it sounds like you may require a more sophisticated decoder for the Cl.15 such as ESU or Zimo which allow you to tailor the Motor Load Control/Regulation CVs.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
I've never used DCC Concepts Zen decoders (just read their manual) and it sounds like you may require a more sophisticated decoder for the Cl.15 such as ESU or Zimo which allow you to tailor the Motor Load Control/Regulation CVs.

Thanks Dave,

I have replaced the DCC Concepts Zen decoder in the class 15 with a Bachmann/ Zimo 6pin decoder intended for another 03. using a Bachmann 8pin to 6pin harness.

The improvement in the running is exactlty what was needed and the loco will now slow nicely to a gradual stop as required.

Zimo it is then, certainly for the Class 15s.

Just need to add a shim to sort the droopy kadees and all is good.

