A quick note to say that I have yesterday re-loaded the database to my website which is now up to date, except for a stunning new book which arrived this afternoon.
This is "Southern Counties Branch Line Steam" by Michael Welch from Capital Transport publishing and it is a real corker of a book. (Hardback £18.95) I've written a mini review (I'm trying to add these to all new books that inspire me) and will load it up to my site tomorrow morning. In short its an all colour look at Southern Region branch lines from Kent as far west as Devon in the last ten years of their operation. The selection of images is inspired (in my opinion) and the colour work is absolutely fabulous. The Somerset and Dorset is included as is the Isle of Wight. Lots of cracking pictures, possibly my favourite is a trainless shot of a shunt signal in Kent(!)
I have also re-written my home page where I talk about a few new titles, but despite yesterday's promise have not yet done a new "blog" page - hopefully tomorrow.
I see there is some discussion of the new loco modelling book from the Wild Swansters over on the 7mm group, (some of which does make me titter into my half of mild)
I love Wild Swan books and am a huge admirer of Paul's work, but I don't think he'd mind my saying that they do not over indulge anyone with advance information about forthcoming books. In my opinion, this is probably to avoid the potential of being badgered about different books/magazines etc before the event, but I don't really have any more idea regarding motivations etc on this point than does anyone else.
That said, I thought I'd say what my understanding of the situation is, this is based upon a telephone conversation with June Judge just over a week ago, so things will probably have moved on since then. Any misinterpretations of facts in this account will be entirely down to me.
The first of the new modelling books to appear will be Peter Kazer's "Narrow Gauge Adventure", which is his life of modelling the narrow gauge, with the title presumably being a nod to the late (and great in my opinion) PD Hancock. This book is at the printers and the price has been set at £24.95 - I look forward to it with some anticipation.
The book that everyone seems to be talking about is Geoff Holt's book on modelling locomotives, which again should be something special once it emerges. This hadn't gone to the printers and it had been decided to publish it in two volumes, presumably in order to make sure that all of the material to hand is utilised to best advantage.
All that said the intention is to get it out before Christmas, whether one or both volumes I have no idea.
Otherwise there is the next Midland Record on the go, the next BRJ waiting to go to the printers and the next GW Journal was reported as being three weeks away. No doubt the next MRJ is in the mix too.
I will be stocking it all as soon as it is distributed, other booksellers are available etc