Tom Mallard
Western Thunderer

Some progress again and quite a milestone from my point of view.
I learned how to make wheelsets from scratch, and they've come out well. Front and rear of each wheel is reproduced to scale. Although the stainless tyres are epoxied to the centres, on the driving wheels I have ensured electrical isolation with a Paxolin bush at the hub and on the pony truck wheels used a split axle with insulated axleboxes. The axles are shouldered for the correct flycrank appearance and location, and are a little proud just like the prototype.
Slaters SG38 gearboxes have been used, the models having been designed for these from the start and these come with the newly available Faulhaber motor option though I would have prefered not to have a double ended motor, but Slaters reasoned that modellers like to fit flywheels. Some clearance issues were found to the rear of the gearbox and I will likely remove more material to avoid impingment.
I've sourced a lot of small springs to suspend the model, assuming a completed weight around 500g. Time will tell if this is the right value to work around.
Next I should probably make the crankpins and cylinders and then with some rods on it will really look like a Manning Wardle.
Best regards
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