4mm Llanfair ....


Western Thunderer
I have always been happy with the performance and appearance of SMP type J (from Marcway nowadays) and I even married some up to a Peco BH turnout. Might be worth looking at for future projects.

Welcome to Marcway.net

I used Markway bullhead flexible J in pre-Peco bullhead days.. Because of it's thinner sleepers, I put thinner cork under the Peco Streamline points so the rail heights would match. The Markway flexible track is stronger and much easier to lay perfectly straight.


Western Thunderer
I used Markway bullhead flexible J in pre-Peco bullhead days.. Because of it's thinner sleepers, I put thinner cork under the Peco Streamline points so the rail heights would match. The Markway flexible track is stronger and much easier to lay perfectly straight.


Have you ever tried Exactoscale Fast track bases, sleeper thickness 1.6mm. Very easy to lay straight as all webs joined, accepts code 75 bullhead rail


Western Thunderer

Have you ever tried Exactoscale Fast track bases, sleeper thickness 1.6mm. Very easy to lay straight as all webs joined, accepts code 75 bullhead rail
Thanks Hayfield and Captain'. The track bases have come to light too late for the layout now. I was out laying track this morning at 7am before the shed got too hot, and it took an hour to get five feet of double track as straight as possible. After some derailments on bullhead points........ I didn't bother to find out why......... turnouts are now mostly flat bottom.

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
Thanks Hayfield and Captain'. The track bases have come to light too late for the layout now. I was out laying track this morning at 7am before the shed got too hot, and it took an hour to get five feet of double track as straight as possible. After some derailments on bullhead points........ I didn't bother to find out why......... turnouts are now mostly flat bottom.
There have been reports of the curved part of Peco bullhead turnouts experiencing gauge narrowing. I understand this has been raised with Peco.


Western Thunderer
Available from C&L these days.

Two different products, yes a few years ago Exactoscale was marketed by C&L but both companies separated and have their own track base

C&L now have a new thick flexitrack in their range. In 00 gauge both 3 and 2 bolt versions. In EM & P4 3 bolt. In all cases its true flexitrack

Exactoscale do Fast track bases in 00, EM & P4, whilst both ranges (Exactoscale & C&L) come in 60' track panels the Exactoscale version comes with the webbing intact. Makes straight laying track easier, but by web cutting can be curved

For those who like the modern 3D method Templot plug track can be printed either straight or curved and if required flexi and to any gauge required **(and supported).

**Scales from 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, S scale and 7mm currently in development and in use

Nick Rogers

Western Thunderer
Interesting, didn't realise that Exactoscale had re-arisen and now rides again...

Afternoon CK (and anyone else who is reading),

I know the EM Gauge and Scalefour Societies both sell the plastic bases, chairs and so on, but I don't think the rail products have been put back in production. But I might be wrong on the rail products, mind.

All the best,



Western Thunderer
Both companies had one thing in common in that they were designed by the late Len Newman. C&L were first known as K&L, Len sold the business off years ago, Exactoscale was born and Funded by the late Andrew Jukes with Len Newman designing the system including the P4 track company kits). Coming back to the hobby in the noughties C&L was in the control of Brian Lewis and Exactoscale was distributed by Len Newman

C&L was then brought by Peter Lewellyn and he offered a near next day delivery service, later he took over the distribution of Exactoscale products, sadly despite Pete's best efforts he decided to sell the business on after his health got a bit worse. Issues selling the business off C&L nearly disappeared, except for Phil Reid stepping in at the last moment

Since Phil took over against all the odds Phil designed and replaced most of the tooling and has increased the range

Andrew Dukes took back control of Exactoscale distribution, then decided to let the Scalefour society in conjunction with the EMGS took over distribution of the 4mm products and the Scale 7 group distribute the 7mm products

I understand upon Andrews death ownership of the range(s) has passed to the afore mentioned groups

Thankfully both ranges (C&L and Exactoscale) are in safe hands, but seemingly on slightly different paths


Western Thunderer
I have taken to spraying the ground cover in between track-laying, which is wafted over with Sleeper Grime to tint it. Fragile tape has been used to confine the ballast areas and give a neater edge to the track ballast...

WEB Track new 8C.jpg

The ballast differs in colour on sidings, but it's all raw at the moment awaiting weathering with a spraygun....
WEB Track new 8A.jpg

Glue, lay & ballast in one go is normally speedy, but it had to be spread over three days due to the heat we are currently experiencing....
WEB Track new 8B.jpg


Western Thunderer
Modelling is supposed to be therapeutic!

Two wires were clipped to the rails near the water tank and I immediately encountered a short circuit! Eventually traced to the adjacent bullhead point, the words 'infuriating morning' barely covers it. An old flat bottom turnout has now been ballasted in.

The replacement Streamline point on left with matching ballast. The adjacent point top right was converted to a shallow 'Y' to suit my siding...

WEB Track new 8D.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Modelling is supposed to be therapeutic!

Two wires were clipped to the rails near the water tank and I immediately encountered a short circuit! Eventually traced to the adjacent bullhead point, the words 'infuriating morning' barely covers it. An old flat bottom turnout has now been ballasted in.
I heard the knashing of teeth from here Larry . Been there done that though with a double slip and an errant feed that had no place being where i had soldered it .


Western Thunderer
A Sunday crawling about under the baseboard soldering wires upside-down wasn't bad for my age haha, but a loco test led to further bouts of teeth gnashing! This time it was a totally dead 2' radius turnout on the run-round. I didn't argue! A well-tested large radius bullhead was installed in its place. I'm glad to say it looks better and the whole layout works properly now on DC, so things can move on at last...

WEB Track new 8E.jpg


Western Thunderer
There's been some messing around with trackwork, so I thought it best not to post anything until tonight. I've just added the weathering. A siding has disappeared to leave space for a coal yard and the loop has been shortened to leave several inches more space at the dead end for a decent entrance to the goods yard plus weighbridge and what-not...
WEB NuTrack 2.jpg

It's a catch point at the end of the goods shed track hence the dirty unused rails. It needs another paint because it dried the wrong colour. None of the points are bullhead now.....
WEB NuTrack 3.jpg

Nothing much to say about this shot except I love this little 45xx.....
WEB NuTrack 4.jpg

General view of things. The goods shed needs bedding into the ballast so it won't lean. An old rusty tin of Humbrol No.186 was used on the running line as an experiment. The rest is PPC 'Rusty Rails'...
WEB NuTrack 5.jpg


Western Thunderer
I have copied the colouring from a photo of a prototype catch that protects the running line, but for some reason it looked more accurate in yesterday's darker 'Frames'Dirt'.....

WEB NuTrack 6.jpg

Water tank spillage would assist the growth of grass etc. Grass closest to the running line has been affected by weed killer.....
WEB NuTrack 7.jpg

Procuring a length of bullhead is very expensive and so Peco flat-bottom was used at the end of the platform...
WEB NuTrack 8.jpg
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