Western Thunderer
Adjusting the inspection covers on the cylinders was relatively straightforward and the correct position was gleaned from photos. The next job was to fit the lubricators. There are twelve pipes running from each lubricator together with a warming pipe to and from the lubricator on the driver's side. This photo shows them as work in progress.
The layout of the pipes seems to be slightly different on each side and I have worked from photos of locos in the late 1950's. Only four drills were lost drilling out each body, the fifth is still useable! I seem to have got away quite easily given the usual attrition rate when using very tiny drills.
General detailing is now complete and the specific areas still to be address are the injectors, cab fittings and valve gear. I decided to replace the etched lampirons with castings and also replaced the whitemetal injectors for lost wax castings from the Ragstone range. The latter was forced on me as drilling out those provided in the kit proved disastrous.
I now intend to test the frame in its simplified for, providing all is well they will then be stripped, sprayed and reassembled and the valve gear built and installed. The loco can then go away to Warren for painting.
Next into the works will be a rebuilt Bulleid light pacific.
The layout of the pipes seems to be slightly different on each side and I have worked from photos of locos in the late 1950's. Only four drills were lost drilling out each body, the fifth is still useable! I seem to have got away quite easily given the usual attrition rate when using very tiny drills.
General detailing is now complete and the specific areas still to be address are the injectors, cab fittings and valve gear. I decided to replace the etched lampirons with castings and also replaced the whitemetal injectors for lost wax castings from the Ragstone range. The latter was forced on me as drilling out those provided in the kit proved disastrous.
I now intend to test the frame in its simplified for, providing all is well they will then be stripped, sprayed and reassembled and the valve gear built and installed. The loco can then go away to Warren for painting.
Next into the works will be a rebuilt Bulleid light pacific.