Brian Daniels diesel workbench

Bill Campbell

Western Thunderer
Just had it to bits so took these pics of the insides. I have removed a little bit of material so I don't trap any wires of the stay alive in the cab. You don't notice it in the cab. You can always cover it in a box type thing to represent a seat.

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Hi Brian

As far as I am aware that corner of the cab should house the battery box so just make a cover for the stay-alive. Something like this:

48DS cab interior s.jpg
This is the scratch-built effort for my 7mm Judith Edge kit - based on info from the LINCS archive drawings. There are some potentially useful photos in this RMweb topic:

Did Heljan miss the battery box?

It is possible to get all the works - motor, gearbox, decoder, stay-alive and chain drive under the bonnet:

48DS chassis 5 s.jpg

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Brian Daniels

Western Thunderer
I built this DJH 9F years ago but only now got round to weathering it. I made it into a Tyne Docker by using pumps I had from an MMP kit I built a long time ago but never used them, until this kit. Bufferbeam airpipes were from JLTRT and the higher ones are American lost wax ones I had. Sorry I don't have a steam era shed but I guess it got sent to the new diesel shed as they got better tools there for a quick repair.


Brian Daniels

Western Thunderer
Something I have had on the back burner for a while is 56042 with 58 bogies. I used a Protoneo etch cab conversion kit with new inset light clusters, new horn and headlight, valance above the buffers and front window etch. And of course making the window ledge curved instead of flat. For the bogies I have used a set from a 58. These are a longer wheelbase than a 56 so as per BR the inner sandboxes have gone and a bit of the fuel tank. On the sideframes the middle axlebox had to be changed as on a 58 it has more coils than the outers but this set had all 3 the same. So I cut a set of the outer axleboxes off and put them in the middle. You have to slice a bit off the top of the sideframes as well. The new cab steps were 3D printed by SimonBRBlue.



Western Thunderer
A really super job on the plumbing Brian. I had enough of that with a Britannia build and succumbed to a RTR for my Tyne Dock 9F
May I ask what camera were you using for these images

Regards Bob
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Brian Daniels

Western Thunderer
Thanks for the vote of confidence Bob. The camera I am using now is a Canon mirrorless R7 with an 18-150mm lens. The reason I bought it was because it does focus stacking in the camera. These pictures were made with 19 pictures stacked together, slowly focusing down the model. You get to see the finished image straight away so you know if it was any good or not.