Hi RobThe back head is well on it's way now, but when I got so far I realised that the only hand wheels I had were the teched nickel silver ones that came with the kit. Nickel of course looks different when you are trying to represent brass so I thought I would have a go at turning some.
I did one to work out how, but the four holes came out all over the place. Once I had a method that worked I made the three that I needed. They actually looked the part when fitted to the back head but what was missing were the handles.
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At this size I couldn't see any sensible way to add them to the ones that I had made so I had a rethink.
I modified the technique and made rings to solder to the face of the etches and then added half round rod for the handle. This is the best of both worlds. the right shape and three dimensional.
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This is a cruel close up but they look pretty god at normal viewing distances.
Out of the castings that I have from the various sources the one that is missing is a sight glass lubricator which sits at the upper left above the brake valve.
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Two turnings and a bit of rod and tube later...
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That's about it unless I think of anything else. I am struggling as to what was fitted the 1930's and what was fitted later. The Wild Swann supplement has a photo of Princess Elizabeth as built and there is a lot less on the back head than is shown in the GA in part one.
All the parts are removeable until I have painted the main casting.
An excellent result - would you care to elucidate on the method that worked? Whilst I can understand the choice to modify the etched handles - personally this is another perfect example where silver-soldering would be an excellent solution. You could silver-solder a length of wire to the wheels to represent the handles and then soft solder to the backhead without fear of them falling apart.I did one to work out how, but the four holes came out all over the place. Once I had a method that worked I made the three that I needed. They actually looked the part when fitted to the back head but what was missing were the handles.
Except for the first three locos, the original regulator handle was a double affair, with a second handle extending horizontally to the right. I don't know if that had been removed by BR days.
An excellent result - would you care to elucidate on the method that worked? Whilst I can understand the choice to modify the etched handles - personally this is another perfect example where silver-soldering would be an excellent solution. You could silver-solder a length of wire to the wheels to represent the handles and then soft solder to the backhead without fear of them falling apart.
Thanks Paul,They fold up.
Yes, anything up to 10BA or M2, particularly with old stock "Made in England" dies usually is fine....I had to buy 12 and 14 as individual items...
Hi Dave,Rob.
I hope the assembly of eccentric rods to return cranks is only temporary because the upper one appears to be mounted to the back face of the crank.