Stu Fox
Western Thunderer
Hello all,
Ok here goes in a very thumbnailed heavy pictorial record of fettling madness is activity in my workshop (if the kids aren't eating or drawing in it) - (at least with kids we get an excuse to play with Lego and the residue left after bathtime is good for underframe weathering...).
First up a summary of what's in the queue:
Slater's standard van to paint etc...

MMP tank to paint etc...

This wee beasty needs the blue tie dye treatment (and it runs like a pig in a leotard)

The CCT - interior, paint, transfers then weather like it ain't seen a wash plant since '68!

But for now the continuation of this monster - the 47/0 to be ....

I'm at the stage where the chassis units are almost done. They just require final painting and the pick-ups fitting (phosphor bronze strip mounted on copperclad strip type stuff) as per below:

The body sections have been cleaned up and fettled to fit nicely. The cab back walls have been soldered up including captive nuts as below:

I'm now working on buffer beams/cab desk and seating. I've decided (yet again
) to against the DJH best advice and do these items as a single fit in unit to the cab section (with detachable buffer beam for painting).
So that's progress to date - more will follow with pictures (unfortunately with the same rubbish depth of field - sorry!!).
Ok here goes in a very thumbnailed heavy pictorial record of fettling madness is activity in my workshop (if the kids aren't eating or drawing in it) - (at least with kids we get an excuse to play with Lego and the residue left after bathtime is good for underframe weathering...).

First up a summary of what's in the queue:

Slater's standard van to paint etc...

MMP tank to paint etc...

This wee beasty needs the blue tie dye treatment (and it runs like a pig in a leotard)

The CCT - interior, paint, transfers then weather like it ain't seen a wash plant since '68!

But for now the continuation of this monster - the 47/0 to be ....

I'm at the stage where the chassis units are almost done. They just require final painting and the pick-ups fitting (phosphor bronze strip mounted on copperclad strip type stuff) as per below:

The body sections have been cleaned up and fettled to fit nicely. The cab back walls have been soldered up including captive nuts as below:

I'm now working on buffer beams/cab desk and seating. I've decided (yet again

So that's progress to date - more will follow with pictures (unfortunately with the same rubbish depth of field - sorry!!).