A bit more work achieved today on the bogies. As you can see from the photo of the prototype the B4 bogie has been modified by the addition of what appear to be some small steel brackets towards the top, 6 in total on each side in groups of 3 above each wheel
You can see what I mean in the above photo. So luckily for me I had some small strips of styrene left over so I shortened them ready for fitting. I then noticed that each bracket has what appears to be 2 rivets in them. So I punched the rivet detail with a scribe ready for fitting. Then it dawned on me

I was actually rivet counting

nooooooooooooooooooo. Ah well nevermind, it's there on the real thing plain as day so it's something easily enough achievable for me to copy. Whether the rivet detail remains visible after I've sloshed it in black enamel paint we'll have to wait and see.The brackets were super-glued in place and hours of fun was had especially after glueing my fingers together for the 9th time

No matter how careful you are superglue will get you! I think the brackets look ok if slightly a bit too wide but I wasn't going to attempt trying to narrow them.
I then turned to keeping the Colonel happy (he'd run out of tuffin again)

by making up some earth bonding straps for the bogies. I just cut some small bits of electrical wire, bent to shape then super-glued in place. Once the bogie has been painted up and weathered I'm hoping they won't be as prominent. Excuse the crudiness

of the photos but hopefully the bogies are now an improvement compared to how they started life.
Observations and critique, as always, very much welcome. I have the barricades manned already