Heyside: 7mm L&Y, late 50s/early 60s
Dikitriki said:
Hi Steph
Thanks for that. Now, are you being polite, or is the turbo your only reservation? If so,what can we do about it (note the 'we', it's beyond me!).
What are you going to recommend to Mr.Dale sr? I do think 2 of those in the twins will be awesome.
I have no doubt the discussion of the sounds to use will occupy some time for the three of us at Telford! But I'm going to see if I can find an equivalent horn sound in the ESU library. I'll then consider doing the Class 37 plus new horn option. I've had an email from Snr on the subject yesterday and he's told me that the sound is of a 'de-rated' Class 40. Which is fine, except that the EE engines, being four stroke were probably de-rated by reducing rpm, not turbo pressure...
The turbo is my only reservation - the rest of it is very well done. Even the recording clarity is pretty good.
In terms of doing anything about it. First is to consider if you care enough (I'm not convinced that Snr does care enough!). If you do care enough, it should only be a re-blow of the decoder's sound profile. One thought is to ask Howes to graft the horn onto their unrefurbished Class 37 profile and have done with it...
I've just had a look at the Howes 'site and I quite like their listings. Now having heard their profiles in your 8f and 10001 I'm very happy with the sound. But how on earth they can justify a 20% premium over the SWD prices I don't understand. A shame really, there's a couple there I'd really like to try (Q1, Pannier, City, would all work well in current projects)...
Edit to include last paragraph.