John’s workbench - a miscellany.


Western Thunderer

Thankfully I've never made that error, but have had solder drop off a tip onto my hand when soldering under a baseboard. I hope you've not had too much pain. Savlon is great for helping skin heal.
Thank you all for the kind wishes. I can confirm that Savlon is a great healer and that there has thankfully been very little pain since the initial AAARGH!

Progress on t’Mill:


Western Thunderer

Thankfully I've never made that error, but have had solder drop off a tip onto my hand when soldering under a baseboard. I hope you've not had too much pain. Savlon is great for helping skin heal.
Hi Ian , in a former life i had a job fitting car exhaust systems . Once installed we would oxy acetlylene weld the joints which would result in the occasional bang as the tip got too close to the weld , this in turn resulted in a shower of sparks some of which would invariably end up going down your back inside the overalls . Grin and bare it are words that come to mind as there was nothing you could do about it .
Oh i also have the membership card for grabbing the soldering iron by the wrong end .


Western Thunderer
Hi Ian , in a former life i had a job fitting car exhaust systems . Once installed we would oxy acetlylene weld the joints which would result in the occasional bang as the tip got too close to the weld , this in turn resulted in a shower of sparks some of which would invariably end up going down your back inside the overalls . Grin and bare it are words that come to mind as there was nothing you could do about it .
Oh i also have the membership card for grabbing the soldering iron by the wrong end .
Thanks Paul, new respect to the exhaust fitters out there! What fun that sounds.



Western Thunderer
getting a blob of weld metal in the top of your safety boot takes a bit of beating too...
getting a blob of weld metal in the top of your safety boot takes a bit of beating too...
Yes Simon i have that membership card as well . I once , only once managed to set light to the back of a dust coat that i was wearing and was totally unaware until one of the other guys started pulling it off me . It was made of a nylon type of material so didn't go up in flames as much as started with a small hole which kept burning and got larger .
I laugh about it now but i suppose it could have ended a lot worse .


Western Thunderer
Back in the days when smoking was normal, an old pal stopped at the tobacconist to get his fags and morning paper. Queues for, and gets on the bus, upstairs, lights fag, flicks out match, starts reading the paper.

he’s telling the tale in the pub, he’s a very scouse scouser, you can imagine the accent.

”an, you know ’ow the nutter always sits next to yer on the bus? Right, so this bloke sits next to me an leans in close an ses ‘ere mate, do you know your trouser leg’s on fire?’ An I says ‘you wot?’ …. But he was ****’in right!”

apparently, the match had not fully extinguished, had fallen into his turn-up (remember them?) and had ignited the tinder and fluff that had collected, which was smouldering nicely.

”I was late for werk, as I ‘ad to go ‘ome an’ change me keks”

lovely bloke, I wonder where he is now, not seen him for probably 40 years.


Western Thunderer
Back in the days when smoking was normal, an old pal stopped at the tobacconist to get his fags and morning paper. Queues for, and gets on the bus, upstairs, lights fag, flicks out match, starts reading the paper.

he’s telling the tale in the pub, he’s a very scouse scouser, you can imagine the accent.

”an, you know ’ow the nutter always sits next to yer on the bus? Right, so this bloke sits next to me an leans in close an ses ‘ere mate, do you know your trouser leg’s on fire?’ An I says ‘you wot?’ …. But he was ****’in right!”

apparently, the match had not fully extinguished, had fallen into his turn-up (remember them?) and had ignited the tinder and fluff that had collected, which was smouldering nicely.

”I was late for werk, as I ‘ad to go ‘ome an’ change me keks”

lovely bloke, I wonder where he is now, not seen him for probably 40 years.

The adorable Geoffrey Hughes came to mind here. Sadly missed.

Was going to post a piccie to remind you, but didn’t want to upset the copyright police around these parts, so you’ll just have to go with: Onslow from ‘…Appearances’ and Twiggy from ‘The Royles..’.



Western Thunderer
Ah, Wallasey. The archetype for dormitory towns. I think it was John Denver who said “I spent a week there one night” :)

(actually my Mum was a Wallasey girl, and when I was a kid, my Nan had the corner shop on Cleveland Street and Vittoria St - sadly it’s all gone now, and I never got any photos)


Western Thunderer
And I note today that Wallasey’s beach has been flagged as ‘Excellent’, which is more than can be said for our stretch from Crosby northwards :( The consequence, I suppose, of being betwixt two estuaries: Ribble and Mersey.


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I think it was John Denver who said “I spent a week there one night”...
I think that you are a tad off target there... JD had a song "Saturday Night in Toldeo" with the lyric "Well I spent a week there one day".

Of course there is a similar comment by Harry Chapin about his song "A better place to be"; there are online quotes which are alleged to be by Harry such as:-

This is probably the favorite thing of mine, at least to me, that I've written. And um, it's about a small town upstate New York, called Watertown, New York. That's more than it deserves. I spent a week there one afternoon. And um, I came away with this story which is a rather, well, strange tale of a, of a little midnight watchman, a rotund waitress, and a girl he picks up one night. And it's called "A Better Place to Be."

<<end quote>>

Again, a similar comment by Harry at a live show where he said that he spent a week (in Scranton Pennsylvania) there one afternoon although that was an introduction to the song "thirty thousand pounds of bananas"!

rgds, G


Western Thunderer
I think that you are a tad off target there... JD had a song "Saturday Night in Toldeo" with the lyric "Well I spent a week there one day".

Of course there is a similar comment by Harry Chapin about his song "A better place to be"; there are online quotes which are alleged to be by Harry such as:-

This is probably the favorite thing of mine, at least to me, that I've written. And um, it's about a small town upstate New York, called Watertown, New York. That's more than it deserves. I spent a week there one afternoon. And um, I came away with this story which is a rather, well, strange tale of a, of a little midnight watchman, a rotund waitress, and a girl he picks up one night. And it's called "A Better Place to Be."

<<end quote>>

Again, a similar comment by Harry at a live show where he said that he spent a week (in Scranton Pennsylvania) there one afternoon although that was an introduction to the song "thirty thousand pounds of bananas"!

rgds, G
Thank you Graham, the sentiment was precise even if I was playing fast and loose with the geography…

I can’t help with the bananas, absolutely loathe the things.

2FS - Back to the Mill


Western Thunderer
Having caught a dose of 2mm inspiration via these pages, and from t’other place too, I have spent a few days pondering how to bring Coales Mill into a small layout that will fit into a standard plastic storage box. This is where I am up to, 4 turnouts give me the 2 sidings in front of the mill as per prototype, 2 angled entrance roads which can go to a fiddlestick with curved lines, and 3 sidings in the yard, with half a run-round loop available.

Leaves some foreground available too. The thin blue lines are centre lines, just need to check that the curves work.


All constructive thoughts gratefully received.



Western Thunderer
Here we are with the latest progress. The baseboard is built bar one end which is pending the sector plate arrangement. That won't be finalised until the track plan is. The plan has been simplified so that the cost is reduced, and the time to construct, by moving the turnouts off board to the right and having the s3ctor plate deal with those.

The blocks represent unknown buildings (wood) and trees (polystyrene). The left hand side is still working on it in progress.

