Just for a laugh

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Did you know that God asked Noah to build a second ark?

Shortly after finishing the first one God said to Noah, "I’d like you to build me another one. This time I want it to have lots of different levels."

"What do you want to put in it?" enquired Noah.

"Fish," said God.

"What type of fish?"

"Carp."said God.

"Why?" asked Noah.

"Well," said God, "I’ve always fancied owning a multi-storey carp ark."


Western Thunderer
Reminds me of William Hague.

Not wanting to get political, but taking the opportunity anyway, his wife was (presumably, is) called Ffionn. He was leader of the opposition.

“why were there two ”F”s in Ffionn? ‘Cos there’s no ”f” in “leader”

Long divorced, I believe. She cited his baseball cap wearing as grounds for the split.

The best breakfast by far that I've ever had eating out [as opposed to the ones I cook here] was last week at the nearby Ffostrasol Arms! Lots of things begin Ff round here!