Well a little more progress, quite successful, thus far, mainly due to there being no curves involved!.
Two extra roof sections added, thin slots leave space for the vertical risers which will be shaped to the roof profile +1.5mm to give the ribbed effect. The two roof sections have fold up sides....to ensure that the sides solder in the right place! and two fold up tabs internally to add strength when gripping the model and stopping the sides from flexing in. The next stage is to add the angled runner track (in the post from Eileens) this will form a ledge for the remaining curved sections to sit on....thus ensuring correct height.
The model thus far
The real thing
All taken during lunch break
One further shot shows some of what's in the radiator section, worth modelling or not? I haven't decided, but now the roofs on, a trite harder to accomplish if you want uber accuracy but a replication would be possible, it's not something I'm going to loose too much sleep over LOL.
Whilst bending brass I kept mulling over the stamped door issue, initially it was planned for the stampings to be plasticard overlays, but pleased with the recent roof section decided that brass would of course be better. Now I don't have the time or skills to cut all these out, so CAD it'll have to be and having been promising myself I could and would do this sort of stuff, kind of backed myself into a corner really. 3DStudioMax is a breeze compared with AutoCad, I did try Draftsight but just ended up shouting at it...a lot more than AutoCad, neither respond well to raised voices and threats of electron death....mores the pity!
However, after much keyboard bashing and hateful dialogue some resemblance of stamped panels for three doors has appeared, pathetic considered the man hours put into it, but accurate to 0.25mm...so far, may need to go to 0.1mm. The stampings are in two layers on the 1:1, the main stamping being much deeper than 'fingers' that are half depth at the hinge and latch points, thus the etch tabs are in effect these 'fingers' and will be cut as far away from the required part to retain the tab, thin green lines on the image.
Now I have no idea what the etchers actually want, other than the drawing format and the current image is simply block filled areas on one layer, some people note you need a base layer and a front and rear layer, some one layer with coloured parts to signify front and rear etch, I've no idea, but it's something to explore in the very near future.
The real deal
Note differing depths of the skin stamping.
The initial etch for left front three doors.
One further extension of this CAD work is that I may well make the missing left side generator section door where the compressor box is. Currently only the top half of the door is present attached to the compressor box sub assembly, this isn't fully fitted yet so it should be possible to draw those doors with their half etches and get rid of the compressor box and add the door back and give me a mid numbered Vac only loco. The only downside then will be the left side stunted battery box, short by about 6", that'd require a whole new battery box etch, hmm, food for thought.
More anon.
Addendum, drat, just noted one handrail hole has gone AWOL, if anyone finds a 0.6mm hole aimlessly wandering around could they please be so kind as to direct it back here