Mickoo's BR modelling


Western Thunderer
Hi Mick

Deffo the 1F. The B and C are more Stanier in outline.

I bet that if you do manage to get the etches only, you'll reckon you'd be able to do a better job yourself:)

Richard, yes, spotted the F model side sheets after I initially posted and ammended accordingly...about the same time you replied LOL

I personally prefer the Stanier looking variants, be it Standard 5, Brit or 9F and I think some 4MTs had them as well, which kind of dwarf the loco from some aspects.

Etches, you may well be right, either by scratch build or own etching, that's part of the reason why I'm doing CAD artwork to print as a guide to cutting, the artwork could be used as etch masters if required and the dimensions tightened up accordingly.

Len Cattley

Western Thunderer
Yup, she does look a little distressed, how long has she been in storage? By the look of the paintwork and corrosion it's been a few years.

I forgot to add the DJB kit to my initial post on Standard 5's, I think San Pereil may have made one as well? How good/bad is the DJB one, one has just come up on Ebay as well as a Severn one, the Severn one went for too much for me especially if your going to change most of the fittings. He even had a Rising Star N2 which went for £80, seems cheap enough but no idea what Rising Star are like? And, I've just ordered the pipe and rod drawings from NRM for the N2...so CAD work and cutting of brass on that project soon I hope, as well as three or four others.

I had tried to remain focused on the 08 and not do anything else, but in idle moments found that whilst not doing the 08 I wasnt doing anything else, so, have decided to try the jumoing from one or two projects to keep the pace up, not too many or I'll run the risk of any ever getting finished LOL

Hi Mick yes see is looking a bit tired know, saw her running two years ago but she needs a new boiler inspection now. I like what you are doing to the Standard 5 wish I could do cad work. I did not like the DJB kit as most of the parts were were wrong, also having a few more years experience has made me more concious of any short cumings in the kits.


Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Be careful if using the Mid-Hants Std5 as your example. You'll find that she's got a number of non-original fittings and the tender is a new tank built on to an LMS underframe. It's a wonderful and very pragmatic restoration to get a reliable working steam loco, but she's not in anything like the condition in which she worked or was withdrawn.


Western Thunderer
Just a small update, finally got the cab front the right shape and size, tempting as it is to solder it in place I need to leave it off so I can add some other bits inside the cab. The two 'fingers' at the base will go once the front is fully fitted, I just couldn't be bothered to keep using three hands and fifteen fingers to hold it in place whilst marking and fettling LOL.

For such a small part it took an inordinate amount of time to get to fit just so, this being the third attempt LOL

Next up some floor bracing to support bits and pieces for later then seat bases and then perhaps the front can go on.

I was tempted to open the front up to accept a single piece firebox assembly, but I'll draw the line there on this one, besides the front face will make a nice solid fixing to hang the boiler off.


Flying Squad
For such a small part it took an inordinate amount of time to get to fit just so, this being the third attempt LOL.
but it looks well worth the effort - top marks for an excellent job! Although it may be only one small part this is one of those critical items to get right as it's one of the bits that sets the whole character of the loco.


Western Thunderer
Dikitriki and I built the Sans Perail Standard 5 a few years ago. Although the castings were very good, a few of them seemed more like Std 4 ones. I suspect the etchings were scaled up from the Gibson 4mm kit, we ended up cutting the cab development up and assembling it from the individual pieces. On reflection, the DJH kit with the Sans Pareil castings would be the best option! Although folks have said to me the overall shape of the Sans Pareil loco is closest to the prototype....

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Dikitriki and I built the Sans Perail Standard 5 a few years ago. Although the castings were very good, a few of them seemed more like Std 4 ones. I suspect the etchings were scaled up from the Gibson 4mm kit, we ended up cutting the cab development up and assembling it from the individual pieces. On reflection, the DJH kit with the Sans Pareil castings would be the best option! Although folks have said to me the overall shape of the Sans Pareil loco is closest to the prototype....
As one of those involved in the development of the Gibson Std5, I can be pretty sure that the artwork for the 7mm version went to Chowbent...
But I'm intrigued as to whether the DJB kit also made use of multi-depth etching?


Western Thunderer
I've no firm evidence Steph, but the name on the etch was the same as that on the Gibbo 4mm Black 5 that I built, and the etch was laid out in the same way. It might sound odd, but doing the 'build' it felt scaled up, the way it went together. I've no experience of the DJB kit.
Sorry to hijack your excellent thread Mick!


Western Thunderer
but it looks well worth the effort - top marks for an excellent job! Although it may be only one small part this is one of those critical items to get right as it's one of the bits that sets the whole character of the loco.

Your right, there are some areas that need extra special attention as they do tend to characterise the subject matter, cabs and boilers/fireboxes are always important, you can get away with small errors in other places but if the firebox slope is even just slightly out it tends to throw the whole model.

Len Cattley

Western Thunderer
Hi Mick great modelling :thumbs: Will you by any chance make these parts available from an etch or is this for you only, as I would like to make the loco but not to buy as a kit as I want to buy the castings separate?



Western Thunderer
Len, not sure really, I know where your coming from and likewise think the easiest option from the current available lot is an etch only with castings from elsewhere.

The best option would be to make etches as aids to scratch building and then comes the issues of instructions LOL, I 'know' where it all goes, but would anyone else! There's is also order of construction, I'll quite happily accept a three part cab sides and roof and blend them with files/solder and fine sanding, others would demand a one piece cab that is folded and bent to shape. My bending and folding isn't yet good enough and if you get just one radial bend off by a mm or so then the whole cab is rubbish.

To be honest I'd like to but there's a couple of hurdles to overcome, primarily, your target level of detail, how much of that detail is important...I add detail in areas others would not, yet quite happily accept errors or lack of detail in others, an example would be exact PCD spacing of rivets on cab sides, yet complete gay abandon of rivets on 16ton wagon straps LOL, then there's the choice of subject matter...is the Standard 5MT the best candidate, I have been prodded by others to put my CAD skills to use LOL and I'm told my CD from the NRM has arrived today, which brings two conundrums, is what I've already done on the Std 5 close enough to works drawings to allow me to sleep easy at night LOL, and second, what about all those other drawings I've just got for other projects:thumbs:

Let me see how I get on with the next task of the firebox, that's quite complex to form up and even more difficult to draw up as a net, when your scratch building you can get close and then file to suit, with an etch it has to be right from the first get go and if it's wrong it's expensive to put right.

Len Cattley

Western Thunderer
Thanks for your input Mick :thumbs: I know what you mean about using etches for construction, I would happy to use them as aids to scratch building and 3 part cab sides would be good to me. How about using your cad drawings for scratch building aids? Can't wait to see the next instalment of your scratch and cad work :cool:



Western Thunderer
As one of those involved in the development of the Gibson Std5, I can be pretty sure that the artwork for the 7mm version went to Chowbent...
But I'm intrigued as to whether the DJB kit also made use of multi-depth etching?

I built one (a 'genuine' DJB 5) about 20 years ago, no multi depth etching and as a late 1980's DJB kit not (quite) as good as their 4 2-6-0 was/is. ;)



Western Thunderer
Small update, lots of work and little to show, roof vent runners added (easy just 10 thou 1mm strip), also found out I had no more 1x1mm angle for the gutters :headbang:.
Added rear cab roof support, actually quite hard as I choose the hard way of a piece soldered in and then filed to shape. Next up were cab seat bases, easy bend up of some blank brass and tack in, floor, cushions and other knick knacks will cover any holes or misdemeanour's.

Finally, add the cab front weather strip that goes around the boiler, in this case a flat sheet to whit the firebox will be attached, in real life the firebox passes right through here and the weather strip is angle strip bolted around the resulting gap twixt firebox and cab front.

Anyway, the pictures, must work out how to take better lit shots late at night!



The front does fit and is just sprung in place atm, also just noticed one of the spectacle openings is slightly mis-shaped, hopefully the flat beaded frame will cover that error:oops: Also just noticed in last photo, cab rear floor not straight anymore! Resolved that with a big hot iron and judicious application of fingers to straighten it out.

Small shopping list of raw materials growing slowly for Telford LOL