Well I just checked the GAs for the Princess and it should be possible with the almost flat base to the frames to get a CSB set up on the bottom of the axle boxes, granted you may have to shave off 2-3 mm of the lower sides of the horn guides to give you the require upward deflection. On the class 08 I opted for a very soft 1 mm deflection but 0.5 mm may suffice.
All this talk has got me pondering the ever long issue of track, locos, perceived mass and realism, the niggle I'm trying to work around is the upward jolt of models when they hit the nose of adjoining track, it doesn't have to be much to give the visual distraction and even the 08 jolts when it hits a largish deformation. The issue is exaggerated with three point systems and equalising beams and to a certain extent horn guides with springs in and set screws to adjust the height and leaving little or no room for upward movement.
So I pondered what the solution might be and to decide that you really need to know what the problem is, in it's basic form it's either the track or the loco suspension (lack of). I did reason with some at Telford that if you made perfectly flat track then you would never need any suspension, you might achieve that with one board but a modular layout would present some heady challenges at board joins to maintain smooth track (less than 0.1 mm height discrepancy)
Taking the first problem, the track, traditionally we fix track to cork or some other form of base that may have some give in it, then we proceed to stick it solid with ballast and glue. However, I was very impressed with the S7 test track work, laid on paper over thin foam, here, when ballast is added it'll form a base on the paper and the foam underneath will still give some deflection, care would need to be taken when you glue the shoulders to still allow the track to flex a little.
As we all know real track flexes, it flexes a lot and in fact forms most of the local deflection in train movement. We ran some tests on the traverser with wheels crossing a 25 mm unsupported gap, normally a fish plate bolted to each rail will transfer some of the deflection into the adjoining rail before the wheel gets there, in unsupported joints this does not happen. The track base also has a huge impact, generally the older the formation the more deflection there is, so on out brand new terminal it was around 20 mm on ballast, on our older terminals it can be as high as 40 mm. Where our tracks make the unsupported leap between traverser and terra firm the formation is solid concrete or steel beam, each chair is supported on a nylon base, what did surprise many was just how much that nylon base deforms under load.
Here we can see the leading axle on the first bogie that has just made the transition, basically worst case scenario, also of note is that overall weight is not the deciding factor but axle load, in this case 21tons. What can clearly be seen is the track deformation as the wheel passes over, remember that this is about as a solid formation as you can get, steel decked bridges might be worse, but those often have longitudinal timbers under the chair to give some softening of the formation, all other formations will give more deflection.
So where is all this leading, well in our mini world we don't have any of this, should we? I think so, how much and how to achieve this is a subjective matter. I think adding track deflection along with loco suspension should give a better looking loco when moving over track work and I think more mass may well help.
Anyway digression over, time to try and put some of this in practice, just need to finally decide on a layout and then build something to run on it LOL
As an aside to the above image, on the wheel rim you can see a thin line, this is the 'witness' line, this is the minimum lathe turning line, basically this tyre is quite new and has a fair few miles left on it.