Indeed, it's not permanently fixed here, just G clamped in place, to fix it with the rear jaw over the bench will result in the front end overhanging and smacking my leg every time I walk past; that's what I liked with the smaller vice, it has a steel shoe fitted on the desk and you can slide it on and off and clamp it in place.I’m sure you know, but just in case, mount it so the back jaw is outboard of the edge of the bench.
Handy for filing the end of long things...
Personally I'm not a big fan of soft jaws of any kind, I prefer milled smooth faces; that also presents problems in getting them to mate perfectly flat, even more so on this vice as there are no detachable jaws.Nothing wrong with that vice Mick, it looks just like mine.
I do find that those jaws are pretty useless, some aluminium angle works far better for me.
I've seen a product called Horolene recommended. It's used by clock makers/restorers to clean brass and supposedly gets rid of tarnishing. The clock expert on the 'Repair Shop' uses it. Available on-line from various sources,I keep meaning to try some out so will order some this week.
all the best
I've done the same, great minds eh?
Highly recommended, I have been using this for some time, it comes in a concentrated form and will make your eyes water when you open it !....and fools seldom differ.......I'll get me coat, I'l have to order some too me thinks
Never argue with a fool.......passers by can rarely tell the difference....and fools seldom differ.......I'll get me coat, I'l have to order some too me thinks
Best not store it in the house thenI say, have you chaps had a cursory glance of the data sheet ?
Flash point 23C !
Best not store it in the house then
I think flash point is where it turns from a liquid to a vapour, lighter fluids are even lower.
Interesting, then how can it clean it if it oxidises it so badly.It's unusual to see a brass cleaner that is alkaline (most are weakly acidic) and contains 5-15% ammonia (which aggressively oxidises brass).
No problems, I've read you need to dilute to use anyway, 7:1 or 8:1 is the recommended ratio, in that format it a touch more stable; but I think the garage is the right place to store and use this stuff....he says having litres of 99.9% IPA and Celly thinners in the house, not forgetting all the fly sprays and domestic cleaners in the house.Even more so if you have a gas hob or boiler ! Don't use it near your micro-gas torch Mick