john lewsey
Western Thunderer
We can't all go there
From which we can only surmise that you have not (yet) written anything for them!
Where is the WT meet then John?We can't all go there
Hi Mick,
I have read your article - really enjoyable
Your models and weathering etc. look totally credible and very realistic/believable - superb in fact! I like the way that you used chain on the doors (thanks for the link too) - I have a few kits awaiting such and tbqh I never really liked the idea of using twisted wire just so as to replace moulded chain-link detail (which on certain kits looks better than twisted wire to my eye) - no value judgements here, as I love the work that most MRJ contributors submit (even if it has twisted wire substituting moulded on chain ).
David's wagon detailing products are a really super idea, I really love using his Mainline Diesel detailing parts
Every time I make a model, look at the bits I dont like, whilst keeping an eye on the bigger - layout building - picture, someone comes along with something better and/or a new detail product, just as I have finished the model, inc the painting and weathering, making me wish that I had better skills and/or tried harder, waited, yet procrastination is an old enemy of mine, so I shall plod on
I am still not sure if I am inspired or afraid of S7, as I find 7mm FS challenging enough Looking at such superb work sometimes depresses me into thinking that I could never achieve such high standards, yet I usually dust myself off and try to do better next time and keep on buying MRJ
Just to say, after having a few articles published over the years, that many of the mags editorial and admin teams are always pretty busy and the complementary copy etc. doesnt, often, turn up, until the next issue is out and I end up buying one so as to read - the final cut of - my own work
Actually you can do smilies on the iPhone as long as you know the short code. For example colon followed by o is , colon D is big grin , ROFL is colon )) . I can post a full list when I get home.Ps I can't do smiley's on the I-phone or I would have stuck a few in
Including those wonderful animated ones that appear in Jordan's posts?Actually you can do smilies on the iPhone as long as you know the short code. ... I can post a full list when I get home.
*I have no issue with anyone who says, "I don't have the time/skills/confidence/inclination to build things myself, so I pay others to do it for me," but to claim that such an approach is a "modelling project" seems to be a taking things a little bit too far...
That, surely, is a credit to the builders: too often one can make an accurate guess as to scale just by looking at the photos.The only complaint I have about MRJ is that it is often difficult to establish what scale is being modelled, which can be more than a little frustrating, even when you turn it into a challenge to guess what it is.
Wow! I had no idea it was going to be on the cover. How cool is that!
Living in the sticks, I haven't received my copy yet, but hopefully, it'll be here soon!