Right! Rather than throw all the smileys out of my pram, I did a bit of working out.
I figured I would ideally like to move the cylinders out by about a millimetre each side. Rather than risk removing too much material, I took baby steps.
First, the cylinder block got the chop. Rather happily this now makes the thing easier to slide in and out during test fittings!
Next, I spent a few minutes working out how much depth the rod and crankpin nut took up. The figure I ended up with was 9mm, measured from the inside of the frame to the outside of the nut. That meant I would like at least 10mm to the inside face of the cross head.
A little more noodle scratching and I reckoned that filing down the main frame from 15.2 to 14.2mm would let me slide the cylinder block out the thickness of the frame material, without needing to butcher the cylinder mountings much further.
This area is hidden behind the cylinders, so removing a bit from the top edge is not a problem. On the frame stretcher there is a half-etched line meant for the back of the block assembly to slot into. This is helpful in keeping alignment during this exercise.
Anyway, in for a penny, I clamped the half cylinder in place and took a look.
Well, it fits in place. I have widened the slot at the rear of the block by the frame thickness to help things slot together. What about space behind the cross head?
Well, with the coupling rod perched on the crankpin, I reckon there's about enough clearance. Note the slidebars now sit outboard slightly of the motion bracket. If this annoys me sufficiently I have scrap material from the frames etch sheet which would let me shim the bracket back out to compensate. This, of course, might affect the bracket fitting below the running plate, so this slidebar discrepancy might have to be one of those compromises we all have to make from time to time.
The acid test will be to rig up the cylinder more securely and refit the coupling rod properly to see exactly how much space I have managed to wangle for myself. That is a job for the morrow, I think.