Well, that's been an interesting week. For various reasons, not a lot of modelling got done last week. Then my little car decided to throw its toys out of the pram, leading to a bout of new car shopping, insurance wrangling and so on. Here we are at Thursday, and I've only just started to make some progress.
My aim was to get the tender rolling last week. That aim has slipped by a week!
The inner frames go together pretty well. Nice thick etched nickel silver, the only issue I found was this copy was slightly under-etched which meant some time spent fettling slots and removing cusps.
Axle pairs 1+2 and 3+4 are beam compensated. Again, some time was spent cleaning the cusps for a smooth fit for the brass bearings and the rocking beam holes. The bearings ride up into slots in the frames, which have a curved top which limits travel.
I couldn't find anything mentioned in the instructions regarding stopping the beams sliding about, so I found some suitable brass tube to sit between them.
Anyone contemplating building this kit with the S7 spacers should be aware that the wheels will need thinning right down. The boss, which contains the securing screw, is very prominent. Even in fine scale I had to sand quite a lot off the backs of the cosmetic axle boxes to let the chassis slide into the outer frames. I also found the outer frames weren't parallel, which required a bit of tweaking.
Amazingly,the chassis rolls freely on the yard of track. I need to engineer a fixing method for the beam rocking rod, probably just a washer soldered on the ends. Next up, brake gear, and then considering pickups.