Ahh the J94, you weren't there today were you? only ask as there was a J94 waddling around the outer track, I think the 'gang' tend to leave the outer track for those of a slightly different bent

, there was a growling Thomas which truth be told sounded more like a 50's tram or 4SUB LOL and a Shay at one point, the two inner tracks are for live steamers and that's 'their' racetrack!
Two very fundamental things struck me, live steam guys are not interested in scale speeds or authentic working (I'll come back to this), second track power electric is a fruitless option on such a layout, as you say power loss is horrendous and my friend readily admits this, which is why most of their electric locos are battery with RC control, costly outlay I'll admit, but near perfect control and no fear of stalling on an insulated crossing, and more importantly, no need to insulate wheels for power pick up. I'd been a firm anti battery type of guy but in this context its utopia as far as I'm concerned, full control, flawless performance and with the advances in batteries you'd be hard pressed to run them down, unless you were running for hours on end, "you'd get bored before they ran down" was one quote I heard, another more apt was "there's no way SWMBO will ever let you run long enough for them to run down!"
One advantage of battery power is sound, it'll sound a lot better than live steamers....not that I have anything against live steamers! The only thing you miss is the smell and being as I have no sense of smell that's an issue I'll never have to live with. Live steamers tend to drop all sorts of nasties on the track, I took a good look at the rail head and it was filthy, water grease and spirits mixed with general dust give a rail head akin to real life in autumn through the new forest! The 9F went into a high speed slip at one point, very prototypical and quite humorous to watch the owner dive from the other side of the circuit to shut it off LOL, the lack of remote control really showing its flaws there. The other negative is the all to often...for me... stops to top the boilers up but I understand why and it's part of the 'game' I suppose

I like the simplicity of battery but you loose DCC control and thus sound (multi sounds), not sure if RC can bring the same fidelity so that's something to research in due course. The other option is battery back up on a sort of UPS style set up, it would require some electronic circuit trickery, but it should be possible to use the batteries to bridge stall points in electrical pick up and I have to be honest that's the biggest illusion killer for me these days...erratic running.
Right, back to the live steam guys, I get where they are coming from, I really do, it's not authentic, it's not scale speed, the stock rarely matches the head end power, but by Jove it
is bloody good fun! It's like having your first Hornby oval around the Xmas tree all over again just
much larger and in that context I get where they are coming from, it made me grin and I was only spectating.
Now I also get the uber detail depot layouts and small industrial or branch lines, their attraction is in the detail and to some extent, more for me than others I suspect, the operating. If I'm not operating the detail only holds my interest for so long, having said that I spent a long time pouring over the 1/4 scale traction engine and that wasn't in steam and never moved an inch, the attraction there was the construction and craftsmanship. Like many I like to see trains move, rather contradictory to my previous comments when contemplating a static large scale show model?
To be fair speeds were not to light year fast, the express trains were I'd say 70-80s tops and the freights slower, two fast for the junctions I suspect, but not so fast it totally destroyed the effect, not for me anyway.
This forum has already broached the subject of scales and electric/ live steam sides of the Gauge 1 hobby, I doubt they will ever meet and to be fair 'Anglia Roads' does not have the scope for much shunting, you'd get a lot of mileage in RC electric steam outline I suspect, but you'd have to perhaps push on a little to keep them happy

. It'd be nice to be able to move live steamers with out the hand of god but that involves lots of trickery and most run slip eccentrics which require a good shove to get going, again a compromise of live steam in such a small scale I fear.
Anyway a few more photos, an overall view of the station area
Some nice simplistic details, not very detailed I'll admit but enough to trick ones mind
A Bachmann J94 but battery powered, ran a full 30mins on the outer track with no problem
A scratch built (I think) L1, now this was a brute, speed was a little fast more like a fast fitted freight but it was the mass and the way it thumped across the point work that was impressive
Behind you can just make out the Hymek, I think we can see enough to know we don't need to investigate this further LOL, mind it is a Hymek, it goes, the owner was happy so at the end of the day that is all that really matters and who am I to judge. As has been said on here many times before, the live steam brigade overlook form and accuracy far more than detail modellers.
One final point, I'm not in any camp here but I do see where these guys are coming from and they did keep badgering me to bring my 66 or GP40 along to one of their meets

. Before this morning I had both feet firmly in the non social camp and what a blinkered view that turned out to be!