Stanier 8F in S7


Western Thunderer
At the risk of hijacking my own thread ....
In response to Mr Grumpy's request, here are some pictures of my layout. I'm afraid I cannot resist the opportunity, as it is built in my cellar, not many other people see it, and I'm soon going to move to a new house and so it will all be dismantled with 6 months!

This is an overview of the main engine yard in the foreground (two 0-4-0 tank engines), sidings behind them (with the Garratt), the through line behind them, and with the coal loader ("screens") in the background, with wagons being loaded there.
S7 Model Rly 1 small.JPG

Here is the engine yard. The coal screens and engine shed are scratch-built, using Depron for the walls - if anyone hasn't come across this stuff, it is marvellous. Like fine-grained expanded polystyrene, it cuts easily, is relatively rigid, takes scribed lines for stonework/bricks, paints easily with acrylics, but has the disadvantage that solvents destroy it, although PVA glue is fine.
S7 Model Rly 8 small.JPG

Here is a better picture of the Garratt.
S7 Model Rly 5 small.JPG

Here is some video of the Garratt moving.

Did you spot the outside "dunny", as we Australians call it? Second picture. It came complete with man inside reading the newspaper - I had to leave the roof to be removable so that he could be appreciated. Actually we don't call them dunnies now. These days it would be "brick s***house".

OK, I promise to be back to the 8F after this ....



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Mr Grumpy

Western Thunderer
I love the Garret!! Thanks for sharing, and good luck with your house move! Hope you get room for another great layout :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Complete with funnel webs and redbacks?

Yes, we have whole nests of redbacks in our house. They like the warmth of an air-con. unit. No-one has died from a redback bite in the last decade though (only the elderly or very young are really at risk). Quite nice-looking spiders, and small.
Funnel-webs are different: big (up to about 10cm) seriously horrible-looking spiders, and very aggressive. One of our friends was bitten recently, and he said it was like being hit with a hammer. It took two lots of anti-venom before he started to feel better.
SO, brick s***houses are best left in model form ....


Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
I've not seen them, but apparently up until a year or two ago there was a substantial colony of red-backs locally (Filton, North Bristol).

The cold wet winter of a couple of years ago apparently saw the last of them off.

For those that don't know, the area is renown for it's (now closed) airfield and the large number of defence contractors in the area. One can only make assumptions as to how the red backs got here...!


Martin Field

Western Thunderer
Depron foam can be glued with UHU Por impact adhesive, which doesn't attack the foam. It is much beloved of R/C model aircraft builders. One chap built a 10 foot span Vulcan GLIDER in Depron using Por.


New Member
Another thing ...

As I have just about finished the construction phase, I e-mailed Dave Sharp with my rewritten instructions (I had promised him to do this, after he was so amazingly helpful in producing the etch to convert to Scale Seven). I also asked permission to send them to other people if they wanted them, emphasising that he retains copyright of course, as they are only modifications of his originals. In fact my version is definitely best read in conjunction with his: whilst I have copied and incorporated his diagrams where possible, it was only by iMac partial "screenshots" from my scanned copies, so they aren't always completely clear. Also, I couldn't put in any of the helpful photographs he has put in the instructions.
Dave was kind enough to give me permission to send them out if they are of interest to anyone. I have included some of my modifications for electrical pickup as well as the S7 adjustments, plus my own techniques (mostly already seen by Western Thunderers, of course).
I don't know how I would put <pdf>s on this site, and I'm not sure how worried about scammers/robots/etc on the WT site I need to be, but if anyone wants to be sent my modified instructions, my contact is something related to <moc.liamg@dehsluocdivad>

Dave also confirmed all that has been said here already - he is happy to produce more of these kits, but it might depend on the amount of interest shown in them, compared to the minimum number of firebox casting he has to commit to.

Hello David,
Assuming they are still available, I would very much like a copy of your 8F instructions