
Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Steph - if you are going to the show on the Saturday... might some of your styrene coaches be with you?

Hmm, wasn't going to as I'm attending as a punter rather than an exhibitor and I'd potentially have to lug them around all day...



Western Thunderer
Not be long now boys and girls only 9 sleeps:thumbs:. Just going through what i need to put on the list.

Mmmmm its only bits and bobs but it seems to be a very long list.:eek:


Western Thunderer
I`m getting nervous; I`ve not finished the rest of the (new) internal rolling-stock yet, for our layout: Rhydwyn Fawr .......I hope I can get it all weathered and tested in time for setting-off on Friday.:eek:

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
This has appeared on the Tower website "Heljan Wagons **NEW Section coming 7th September ** "

I wonder if some 7mm wagons from Heljan will be available at Telford ?


Western Thunderer
Now that's interesting..... I was talking to a ex- railway club member not long ago and he seem to think Heljan were about to produce there ballast wagons in 7mm. I guess that means the Catfish/Dogfish ??.

That would certainly be interesting.