A bit more progress tonight the head code box is now sorted , the front window has been renewed and the long flatting process had started
I managed to blow a small hole in the side of the head code moulding, I can fix this easily enough though
Next the front, I am still having trouble with the camera angles as it looks like the cab has zanussi brain i.e. the top is larger than it is I was holding it slanted inwards. whoops

Again its a very cruel enlargement but the smoothness is beginning to come, I have just noticed that the centre window frame had not stuck at the bottom, a small job for tomorrow. The roughness at the top of the centre window is a problem wet and dry is going to be used very carefully to try and polish it out, I can't live with it . I am not worried about the front of the head code box itself as this will all be cut out.
Rattle can undercoat makes everything look gobby when in truth it ain't that bad