A pen friend has sent me some unwanted track including a brand-new turnout kit. Now, I envisage my layout will have code 100 FB rail laid directly onto 9 ft sleepers but I can use their track in a fiddle yard or for a diorama or other test piece.
Things haven’t got off to a terribly good start. The ready-made common crossing was clearly asymmetrical, the feeler gauges say 1.75 to 1.80 mm on one side and 1.65 to 1.70 mm the other. So I have taken this to bits to rebuild it with 1.5 mm flangeways. At the moment I am trying to fathom out how to put the vee back onto the wing rail assembly.
The vee had a sharp nose and I have filed this down to about 0.4 mm wide.
The stock rails supplied are too short to build the kit on a curved formation so I stripped down a piece of the gifted track to get some longer ones. The check rails are too short as well but I can make new ones. I haven't dared look at the switch rails yet.
On the bright side, pre-grouping turnout timbers are consistently longer than modern ones, so shorter ones supplied in the kit all fitted onto the template. I needed only one extra timber (from Peco) to provide the very longest one.
For the avoidance of any doubt, I do not know how to use track plotting software beyond AnyRail. I know how to install a Windows program and run it, change the track settings to “0-MF” and “pre-grouping timbers”, and make a printout. The curved left-hand arrangement supplied as a default template looked pleasing so I am building my kit on this.
I have borrowed an entire shelf from my spur shelving installation to provide the board for assembly. The offcut of aluminium angle in the photo measures just about a perfect 1.5 mm thick, should be useful.
At the end of day one (three short modelling sessions) I have all of the timbers and the first stock rail in place. If this was copperclad I would have finished it by now! However, I must learn new techniques and the sight of the rail sitting in its individual little chairs is certainly quite pleasing.
I am taking Nellie to West Bergholt this afternoon if anyone reading this would like to see her.