Prototype Tim Mills' Photos

Martin Shaw

Western Thunderer
I've turned up some info that might help date the Brighton photos. Terrier 2635 became the loco works shunter 377S in Aug 1946 as successor to 380S Boxhill which the SR felt should be preserved. The loco went to Lancing C&W works for repainting in Mr Stroudleys yellow/improved green, I suspect major Bulleid pacific goings on in the works was occupying the painters and Lancing had some capacity. It the returned to Brighton for some mechanical repairs and A1 substitutions, chimney and condensing exhaust pipes, there may be others. before going on tour and eventual preservation at the NRM and its predecessors.
Meanwhile 2635 had been renumbered into the service stock as 377S when Brighton works discovered some left over yellow paint from restoring Boxhill so 377s was repaintes as Brighton Works and returned to use in June 1947. With th transaformation of the SR into BR(S) the loco was eventually renumbered as DS377 in Feb 1958, again in fresh yellow paint. An edict from on high dictated repair work at Brighton should cease from 31/3/58 so DS377 was hustled in there on the 10/3/58. This was undoubtedly to overcome head office which has my approval even after all these years, as the locomotive didn't reappear until 12/1/59 now back in capital stock as 32635 with a painted number on the bunker. Therefore logically enough the locomotive in yellow livery with number DS377 only existed from Feb 58 untl Jan 59, but in public view possibly only a month. My feeling is the photo should be dated Mar 58.

This info is culled from Stroudley and his Terriers by Tom MIddlemass.