Hi Mike,Hi Ian
I think I found one of two of the pictures you took while doing a Google search for info on No.5. This is however the first I've seen them with the others and also the video. Fantastic! Really inspirational for me. I've got to see this project through to the end.
I've got a few bottles of wine to experiment on with lead foil.
I'm still not sure about colour, but erring towards green at the moment. I'm only building the loco, not the Wantage Tramway. No.5 has simply been sold to the Findon Limeworks and I guess they fancied a change of colour.
I remember it really well - I woz there. A superbly enjoyable day and the first time I'd seen quite a few of the locos. I particularly remember "Morayshire" as I'd been bought the Trix Twin D49 (laughably called) model as a child but never seen one in life. It wasn't until years later I realised how expensive that loco was and what a lucky little chap I was to own one at the time.
Happily all my Trix Twin stuff went to a collector so remains in good hands.
Hi Mike,
You’re very welcome to the images and a PDF celebrating ‘Jane’s’ 125th birthday. Rather than clog up Western Thunder with image files etc., do you want to contact me outside of the group? imatts047@googlemail.com I’ll make the images available either by email or Cloud access.
Here in NZ the Covid-19 outbreak is all but over. We have just gone to Level 2, which means back to the office for me on Monday. The good news is shops and restaurants are open, and I can get a half-decent haircut!We’re looking on at the UK from NZ and wondering what on earth is going on? It looks like the UK is going to be stuck with severe restrictions on movement for a while yet.
Hi Mike,Hi Ian
I've just sent you an email.
Hi Mike,
I have replied with a link to my Google Cloud Drive. The goodies are within...
You are very welcome!...and received safely.I shall have a good look through those. Thank you very much Ian.
Hi BrianTell you what, Mike. I wish I could do that! It's a lovely thing and you need to know how much this stuff is appreciated.
Personally I hope you'll keep going with this project. You're so near completion that I hope we'll all see the final result.
Keep safe.
As they say sometimes a change is as good as a rest and we all need to have a bit of fun. However the cleanliness, pipework and detailing on that back-head is superb - very impressive so it would be good to see it finished, but yes you do need to be in the right frame of mind to continue at that standard.I must admit that my enthusiasm for this project is flagging a bit. I look at what I've achieved and not all of it is that good. I think the whole lockdown/Coronavirus situation is getting to me. I might break out my G-scale locos and have a play!