Some minor housekeeping notes.
The captions for #3692 and #3693 are swapped.
Five Hunt class locomotives were modified in 1949-52 with cast steel axleboxes and manganese steel horn cheeks and a redesigned leading bogie similar to that fitted to a Thompson B1. This was an attempt to improve the really poor riding with I suspect limited success. Two of them 62743/4 were permanently allocated to Scotland. 2743 remained at Haymarket for its remaining years in traffic, 2744 moved around a bit, Dundee, Thornton Junc, Hawick. No doubt looking for a sympathetic shedmaster, came there none was I suspect the answer. I have heard directly from former enginemen at both Eastfield and Haymarket that the D49s were wholly disliked which mirrors my own experience of 62712 Morayshire.
For the record,
62743 The Cleveland, York 23/8/32, Bridlington 9/5/38, Botanic Gdns 11/7/38, York 26/9/38, Gateshead 22/11/40, Botanic Gdns 12/5/46,
Haymarket 1/1/51, Wdn 9/5/60.
62744 The Holderness, Neville Hill 12/10/32, Gateshead 13/12/34, Botanic Gdns 9/10/45, York 8/10/48, Dundee Tay Bridge 9/3/52,
Thornton Junc 19/2/57, Hawick 9/4/60, Wdn 30/12/60, Cut up Cowlairs engine 14/3/62, tender 20/2/62.
62705 Lanarkshire, St Margarets 22/12/27, Haymarket 3/43, wdn 30/11/59.
Part of the caption from #3701 which doesn't read quite right,
On 2nd August 1962 it was in store at Polmont MPD and according to the SLS it was en route to Boness dump at Clarkston for scrap on 31st July.
Presumably this should read from Bo'ness dump to Clarkston although I think Yeadon is more likely.
Also from Yeadon, 67492 St Margarets 4/16, Wdn 2/3/60, Sold to J.N.Connell, Coatbridge 24/5/60.