
  1. Nyeti

    Hello from a Greater Manchester immigrant

    Hi all, I'm Nye, a long time lurker who's finally got around to making an account. I'm a Hampshire boy living in Tameside. Having mechanically inclined family from such places as Bristol and Doncaster I was raised in the veneration of Churchward and Gresley, and I grew up in Southern...
  2. Greengiant

    The Yard - A small industrial layout in 7mm

    This thread will be quick, to bring it up to date on how a group of four of us built this layout, The Yard, to an initial deadline of 13-14 January 2018. Some may have already seen it on other Forums or on Facebook, so I will try and get this thread up to date ASAP. It all started on 2...
  3. PjKing1

    7mm Lime Street Stabling Point

    I had an idea a couple of years ago that the location of the old 60’ turntable at Lime Street station situated by the signal box could make an interesting fictional stabling point. It would also make a good layout as it’s self contained in the cutting with the signal box making a rather good...
  4. Quintus

    7mm Melcombe Magna

    Firstly, let me apologise to all those of a GWR persuasion, for although Melcombe Magna has a goodly share of Ex GW locos and stock, it was (in my imagination), the terminus of a branch of the S&D. However, a branch was also built to here from the GW (Somerset Wilts and Weymouth line) to a...
  5. M

    7mm Llareggub wharf (Another 7mm Micro Project)

    Officially I'm not staring this project until Saturday at the Furness MRC show where I'm going to endeavour to build most of the layout over the course of a weekend. If your in the area it worth popping down. Although the prototype is actually about 6ft long and 2ft wide in 7mm its being...
  6. M

    New and Re-tooled wagons kits

    For any one who is interested I have a few new wagons available in both 4mm and 7mm as complete kits and HO/S/G1(1:32) as bodies GNoSR/LNER Open Fish £55 (7) £25(4) LBSCR 8t Dead buffered Mineral £55(7) £25(4) LBSCR/SR dead buffered timber truck £45 (7) £25(4) M&SWJR/GWR 17Ton brake van £75(7)...
  7. Richard Gawler

    The Heybridge Railway, 1889 to 1913

    Hello from Essex I have been modelling in 0 gauge for less than a year. Last summer I bought a Minerva Manning Wardle K class loco. The idea at the time was to put it on a low loader and to build a 7 mm street scene to show off a rather lovely row of shops I was able to buy from the estate of a...
  8. T

    6221 Queen Elizabeth and the crazy task of building her train

    So tonight saw the unboxing and start on the tender of this one, to give me a break from wagon and coach building. She'll be finished in LMS coronation blue and silver around the time she first entered service in 1937. I did start a build thread of the coaches on rm web but I've lost all the...
  9. John57sharp

    John’s workbench - a miscellany.

    Welcome to my workbench thread. I’ve been prompted into writing by a series of events which I hope you will enjoy, and by some actual progress on my foray into 2mm finescale which remains very slow but relatively steady. My “layout” is the Ness Garden Railway, a SM32 (16mm/ft) single line that...
  10. Benjamin Brady

    Hassell Rode (Alsager Railway Association Club Layout) Open Day 10th July

    Hi All, I have just been introduced to this forum though another member George T who has recently joined Alsager Railway Association. The layout has evolved quite a lot over it's time. Originally the main focus of the layout was the bridge which spent many years on the exhibition circuit. We...
  11. Al Tait

    Modern Image O Gauge (MIOG) 26th & 27th March 2022 @ Crewe Heritage Centre

    Although we announced the dates for this years show some time back we've been fairly quite given the current climate, however we are hopeful that we should be able to proceed with the show in March. This year we move to the Heritage Centre at Crewe over the weekend of 26th & 27th March. On top...
  12. Giles

    7mm The Sparrow

    Having prepared various locos and stock, and most of a ship in preparation, I should really come clean with the layout that is about to commence, proper..... 'THE SPARROW' (10' x 3' plus fiddle) The actual 'Sparrow' being the ship - a 120ft steam coaster more or less in its last days...
  13. Compton castle

    7mm Cardiff Canton

    I thought I’d start a separate thread for Canton as my work bench thread contains my other projects plus here I can pop in exhibition dates we will be appearing at. The layout has a scenic section 6’ x 3’ and is an island type layout in that it’s viewable from 3 sides.
  14. daifly

    7mm Beaufort Mill

    The background. My family moved to Swansea in 1963, missing the end of the Swansea & Mumbles Railway which closed in 1960, but the Swansea Harbour Trust lines around the docks and surrounding streets were still in use (just!). Track ran at two levels in places between the King’s and Prince of...
  15. richard carr

    7mm Fixing Split gears on a Heljan diesel

    Nearly all the early Heljan diesel models have been known to suffer from split gears. Those affected seem to be mainly the Hymek, and Class 47s, but the other week Scale 7 JB told me his class 26 was suffering this too, and last week we tried mine and yes it has got split gears as well...
  16. richard carr

    Dapol Class 122 conversion to S7 and adding DCC

    My Dapol Class 122 DMU arrived yesterday after spending several months stuck in a container in the Suez canal. Thankfully they all survived intact. It looks really good if you ask me, It comes screwed to a picec of perspex There is plenty of interior detail Once you have...
  17. Al Tait

    7mm 7mm in the Great Outdoors

    I thought long and hard about creating a new thread for my Garden layout but it doesn't really fit with the layout thread or my workbench so here it is. As this Covid thing has put pay to all last years jollies and we wont be going far this year either progress has been made on the house and...
  18. simond

    SimonD’s workbench

    As my packing van as perhaps taking up more than it’s fair share of the 2021 Workbench thread, I’ve brought it over here. The van will be part of a breakdown train for my “one day” Porth Dinllaen layout, the premise of which is that Brunel did build his proposed line to, and Irish mail port...
  19. M

    ALSRM Reading Show in May is off

    I was just informed that this show has now been cancelled for a second year due to Covid-19. Not a great shock but I did have my fingers crossed for this one. Looks like I will be going for an online launch of the G1 1/32 range now. Marc
  20. 76043

    O-EM-OO9 workbench

    Oh dear, O dear, dear O dear. Yep, bad puns aside, I've finally cracked and have made a start on my haphazard O gauge wagon fleet. I've been collecting new kits and old bangers alike for a few years, and would like to make some stock to either put on a display shelf or maybe a layout for them...