At the Leeds Show I picked up my first RTR models since boyhood. They are a Heljan OAA and VBA. They are both in the purple Railfreight livery and at least one of them will receive the early livery. They are intended to be a swift increase in airbraked stock for The ARSE. So, courtesy of Iphone photography, ....
The OAA lying on it's back for the first job of the S7 conversion. The Heljan axle is 2.4mm diameter, not an obviously easy size to adapt to. However, there is a really easy solution. Peartree bearings fit into the Heljan bearing as an easy fit. So ....

The Peartree bearings are secured with some bearing lock inside the Heljan bearings. Simples. The one disturbing thing I have discovered is that the build is poor with large gaps, poor positioning of small components and glued joints that are very fragile. I tried all the plastic solvents on the shelf and none of them worked - rather like the Heljan version of gluing. I am now using epoxy to secure things as they come loose.
I am just starting on fitting Dinghams so that The ARSE can be operated hands off at Warley. The layout still needs the electromagnets fitting and then lots of testing to ensure everything works properly.