So in a diversionary tactic, quite what I'm diverting, or diverting from I've no idea, but, a new path is about to be trod.
The mission is to go from this
To this in S7
There are several ways we can achieve this, the obvious would be one of the kits already on the market, however neither are for S7 and even just making the frames wider will introduce quite a lot of work, not just for the motion but a whole newer wider lower firebox. In addition one would probably prefer to 'replace' some castings for better ones, thus there is waste in these kits. Of the two I have my eye on the Severn variant and will have a quiet word with them at Telford to see if they may consider an etches only option, doubtful but the question will be posed.
Other than the above your only really left with waiting for MOK to get round to it, and their Britannia one hopes, but that could be years away, or, your left with scratch building.
Two paths can be taken here, simply produce your own CAD art work, no hard ship and may well be the chosen path if the following fails, or simply put 'brew your own'.
Having 'acquired' several yards of 10 & 20 Thou shim brass it felt silly not to utilise it all for mundane stuff like 08 bonnet tops, so taking the bull by the horns we embark on the path of scratch building....the hard way. The first step is always research and information acquisition and the first photo shows most of what I currently have, the NRM works drawings are....well are somewhere between ordering and posting so I have to go with what I have at the moment. I could simply have made lots of copies of the drawings, cut them up and stuck them to the brass ready for cutting, but, with an eye on path two (CAD etches) I decided to run up some basic art work.
The artwork could have just as easily be hand drawn but I opted for CAD, I find it easier to ensure rivet lines are straight, that doesn't mean they will be punched straight, but at least they are printed straight!
Thus after a few hours in Autocad we arrive here
Nothing special, just the basic shapes needed for the footplate and cab, I could of colour coded the lines for those needing to be skrawked for bending and those needing a thin scratch to replicate panel joins, but hey if I don't know which are which by now I really should give up LOL
The advantage of the above is that it can easily be turned into etch work and hopefully the scratch build will ensure that all the parts mate and angles line up if I go down that road.
Before the final print I did run off one copy and make up as a basic paper model
And instantly spotted an angle error on the upper cab side sheets, which has now been rectified on the artwork.
The final artwork is thus printed and then stuck to the material.
And here lies the first conundrum, with what does one stick paper to brass with, I've opted for thin 3M double sided tape, it sticks fine, but the carrier film is devilishly tough and it may well clog up the cutting implements, I'm also concerned that pressing rivets through both paper and carrier film might present problems, but we'll find out shortly.
The other option could simply have been to mark out the shape direct on the metal, but that did seem a trite hard work and being as I'm not very good at this metal work malarky I opted to take all the help I could LOL.
The astute amongst you will have noted two odd books in the collection above, the Standard 5 uses a lot of parts off the later variant Black 5's, specifically the boiler, smokebox and firebox of the 3B boiler and a large proportion of the springing and supports, the frames are not to dissimilar either, thus, vital basic dimensions are in those two books to enable one top proceed.
Right, time to turn some perfectly good brass into scrap