There is a distinct tang of cellulose paint in the air. I deemed it warm enough to venture into the loft workshop and set up the spray booth to see about getting some paint on coach sides.
The spray booth is more a corner of the loft, partitioned off with those light polythene covers you get in DIY shops to cover the floor and stuff with. It's enough to prevent too much dust and grot getting into the rest of the loft. The workshop has benches all around the outside, at a convenient height to work at while standing. I bought a large plastic storage box, which sits on its side on the bench, with a fluorescent desk lamp stuck on top with a daylight bulb in it as illumination. This is an adequate area for the amount of spraying I usually do.
Richard and friends have found a place that will provide relatively small quantities of aerosol paint tins containing BR Rail Grey and Rail Blue, mixed to the BS specifications. This is the first time I've used this new paint. I have to say, it's amazing! Mixing tinlets of Precision and airbrushing is okay, but it takes several good coats to get the colour and coverage about right. The rattle can grey went on very quickly, and was dry in under an hour.
I splurged and got a coat of grey on all six sides in under 20 minutes. Now the paint has hardened, I've set them aside in the airing cupboard overnight to really dry nice and hard. Then I'll set about remedial work where some pesky dust landed on the drying paint, and the paint went on a bit too thick.

Once I've done that, I'll give them another coat of grey and repeat the drying process.
Then will come the fun part of marking out and masking the grey bit ready for the blue bit to go on. Which leads me to a question: what are the measurements for the grey panel on Mk2 coaches?
I have copious detail and measurements for the Mk1 livery, but I can't seem to find a proper reference for the Mk2. What I need is the distance above and below windows, I think. Is it the same as the Mk1? Any ideas chaps?