
Western Thunderer
So the good lady is off to Scotland for a few days with work. Based on the destruction and mayhem she's returned to on previous occasions this year, she seems slightly concerned. Wonder why?

But, in my defence, I'm currently in rebuilding mode rather than full on destruction. Honest.

A joyous recent job was cutting the tread nosings off the 13 treads to they were flush with the risers. Once again the DeWalt Multitool came into its own. Having done that it was time fit the riser cladding and to try out the jig I made a few weeks back. This is used to record the width of the riser and the side angles.


The jig is locked off and then dimensions transferred to the riser blank.

Progress was quite swift for a change.

Untill all 13 were done. And yes, every riser was different.

They all need further undercoat and gloss coats to finish but in the meantime there's 13 oak treads to sand and finish.PXL_20240609_142134315.jpg

Trial fit of the landing tread was satisfyingly neat. I won't fix that one in place just yet, until the new landing carpet is fitted, as it presents a bit of a trip hazard.

At some point abnormal service will resume and some trains may be worked on.


Western Thunderer
Not all went smoothly though (shocked face). The very top riser to the landing and the landing floor / tread interface needed rebuilding. All far too beaten up, split, not flat, and generally out of line. Couldn't be easy could it?

Riser and tread removed, exposing the randomly aligned top floor joist. Some minor profile trimming with the router sorted level issues out. However I did make the mistake of not turning on the dust extractor. Oh dear.

Turned out ok though, and a much better foundation for the cladding.

I wish I had known/ realised how badly built and aligned the original staircase carcass was back in March. Would have saved much trouble and replaced the whole thing with a new one. I suspect the (long suffering) good lady coming home to no stairs may have resulted in divorce though...
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michael mott

Western Thunderer
That top step would pass building code inspection today it is a colossal trip hazard.
Nice work on the risers and tread though.


Western Thunderer
Bit of a landmark moment with the stair treads finally fitted and bedded in.


Slightly nerve-wracking trimming all the treads to size, for fear of cutting too much off, and of course everyone was different. But here the accuracy of the track saw combined with the measuring jig I made the task much easier. I did remember to number each step and tread, and tick each off as it was cut.

What is shocking is just how much area all the trimmed bits takes up when gathered together (and the photo isn't all of it). The shocking bit being the cost of the scrap bits. Well, being a modeller, I've kept the larger bits in the "it will come in useful someday" pile.


I'm now going to have a bit of a tidy to get the house respectable again as the next 3 weekends are going to be a tad busy. Who knows I may even get to do some modelling in the week?

David Waite

Western Thunderer
That’s a lovely job you have done on the stair case , it is surprising how much waste one ends up with
at the end including the saw dust, all my waste off cuts end up keeping us warm in the fire place.


Western Thunderer
That’s a lovely job you have done on the stair case , it is surprising how much waste one ends up with
at the end including the saw dust, all my waste off cuts end up keeping us warm in the fire place.

Thanks David, it's been at times a labour of love and certainly played hell with the knees! Next job is replacing the hall carpet with a wooden floor, which will mean replacing the skirting boards. Undoubtedly I'll find a load of hidden issues including loose plaster...

The existing skirting is in loads of mismatched shortish sections as the house has had doors moved and boarded up.

Keeps me out of mischief?


Western Thunderer
A nice long weekend up in Manchester with friends.

The purpose of the visit was to see The Killers, supported by Travis, up at the new Co-op Arena. Great night out and very croaky the following day after all the singing.


The following day was trains, beer, trains and beer.

First train out of Bury heading north was a big blue box with far too many wheels. It was ok though, soon changed on to something nicer.




I hadn't done the 'new' line south of Bury before and it was nice to do the whole line. 34092 just chuffed along with a light load of 5 coaches.